Tim Spagnola, Author at RecruitingDaily https://recruitingdaily.com/author/tim/ Industry Leading News, Events and Resources Wed, 08 Sep 2021 03:58:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2 The Week That Was in Recruiting: HR Technology Conference Edition https://recruitingdaily.com/week-recruiting-hr-technology-conference-edition/ Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:08:14 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/week-recruiting-hr-technology-conference-edition/ Another day, another week. Of course, this isn’t just any week if you’re in this industry; it’s the week of the annual boondoggle that is the HR Technology Conference in... Read more

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vegasAnother day, another week. Of course, this isn’t just any week if you’re in this industry; it’s the week of the annual boondoggle that is the HR Technology Conference in Las Vegas. But here’s the thing – I’m going to make you a promise.

Other than the SEO play from the headline, and of course this lone mention, this is going to be the one post you read this week that’s not going to mention the HR Technology Conference (that’s called keyword baiting, by the way).

Because if you’re like most recruiters, you’re like me – too busy running a desk to spend the time and money to make the mecca to the Strip. No HR Technology Conference? No worries.

The team here at Recruiting Daily has you covered – we’ll be taking the frontlines of the 2014 HR Technology Conference online (see what I did there?) – so be sure to click here for real HR Technology Conference news and views in real time, all the time.

It’s poised to be an incredibly busy news week in recruiting and HR, but first things first: let’s got caught up on what you might have missed last week. And while I’m not going to mention the HR Technology Conference going on this week (woops), we’re still going to talk about the stuff like data, analytics, tools and tech. Here’s all the recruiting news and views you need to know from the week that was in recruiting in our weekly feature just for Recruiting Daily followers.

Let’s get this party started.

bigdataBig Data, Big Deal?

Big data. Come and say it with me now…big data. You know, that cute little buzzword that most recruiters seem to scoff at just might become a huge headache for the staffing industry. Don’t believe me?

Then perhaps you’ll trust the august content creators over at the National Law Review, woh just weighed in on this topic with a recap of a panel discussion by representatives of the FTC and EEOC last week.

Perfect if you like compliance or acronyms, but if you’re, you know, normal, here’s a quote that sums up the situation well:

“EEOC Assistant Legal Counsel Carol Miaskoff explained that using big data in recruitment and screening might violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. For instance, employment screening tactics using big data might have a disparate impact on members of a protected class, particularly if the analytics do not “accurately predict the success of an individual at a job” according to Ms. Miaskoff. Ms. Miaskoff also warned that employers that look at social media in the screening process—one of the deepest wells for big data concerning employees—might put themselves “in a vulnerable position” because social media offers “a plethora of information about protected statuses.”

So, will big data have the last laugh? Check out this very interesting read from author Robert Sheridan for the complete story that all of us tied to the staffing industry will continue to monitor over the days and weeks to come.

HR Technology: No Quick Fix

talkingI think we can all agree that the explosion of technology today has led us to lose certain skills that some of us had to actually master back in the early 90s – and yeah, I just dated myself there, but it’s OK. I’m still a Vanilla Ice aficionado. For an interesting example of how technology has actually taken us back a little, check out this post for LifeHacker for some awesome examples of this phenomenon.

While I agree with most of the stuff in this post, like navigating without the GPS or memorizing phone numbers, I take exception at their point we’ve lost our ability to speak with strangers. I mean, if this really were true, wouldn’t everyone reading this be hard pressed to actually succeed at staffing or running a recruiting desk?

But while this thesis seems a little shaky, at least they offer a few solutions to reclaim this skill. Or, just give this a read if you’re having one of those Mondays and need a little boost (assuming the coffee isn’t working).

Recruiting News Roundup: Quick Hits

A few other recruiting items of note –

  • Most recruiters believe knowing a candidate’s past earnings is key in making a placement. Liz Ryan blasted that theory on her recent post for Forbes – Your Salary History Is Nobody’s Business. I wonder if my professional  colleagues agree with this one.
  • Sourcing Monster? Better than sourcing LinkedIn? Is that even a question? Well one Jobseeker asked via Quora and recruiter Amber Benjamin broke it down quite nicely. There are a few tips here worthy of passing to your candidates
  • Temp workers reached an all time high this year as Workforce’s Max Mihelich offers this insight and so much more in his comprehensive Special Report: Staffing Still Soaring.
  • The latest trend to reach candidates might just be the drive up job fair. Yep – you heard that right, as one staffing agency is taking this unique approach to sourcing.
  • I have a real love/hate relationship when it comes to data. There – I openly confessed it, but I still find myself geeking out over WantedAnalytics. RecruitingTools.com editor Derek Zeller offers a review on why you should feel the same about this awesome tool.
  • Speaking of analytics, Robert Woo offers his take on how what ones will help predict the future for your staffing business. If only. Be warned that this post  is offering a bait/switch to download a whitepaper (not associated with us), but if you’re not monitoring these three areas routinely, you’re doomed.

RecruitingBlogs Read of the Week

My nomination for RecruitingBlogs.com post of the week goes to the trusted veteran voice of Barbara Goldman. Her latest post Hire Slow and Fire Fast — Are You Kidding? We’re all over buzzwords, but this is one rant that’s required reading for all HR and hiring professionals.  And no, she’s not kidding.

Last, but not least, my selection for my favorite social update this week. While there were a ton of great sound bites coming out of last week’s SourceCon event in Denver, there was only one that seemed to send ripples throughout the circles of the recruiting and sourcing practitioners too busy doing their jobs to leave for a trade show:



Thanks, my friend – someone had to say it. No wonder this guy is a master at his craft (not to mention fun as hell to hang out with).

And there you have it, recruiters – consider yourself in the know for the week that was in recruiting – and good to go for the week ahead at the HR Technology Conference – shoot, didn’t mean to throw that in there. But you know how search engines work and stuff. But I’d also like to remind everyone to get all the latest updates from Vegas by clicking this link. Promise you won’t get Rick Rolled.

Like the stories? Don’t like them? Want to add your own?
Share what’s on your mind at RecruitingBlogs.com.

About The Author:  Tim Spagnola is one of the  RecruitingDaily partners and a recruiting content snob. As a professionTimal recruiter since 2002, with experience in healthcare and medical device placement, Tim cares about bringing relevant and real time access to resources and information for our recruiting audience.

He is a Dad, blogger, pop culture junkie and self described social media enthusiast. You can follow Tim on Twitter @TSpagnola or connect with him on LinkedIn

The post The Week That Was in Recruiting: HR Technology Conference Edition appeared first on RecruitingDaily.

The Week That Was: Top Recruiting News & Views You Need To Know https://recruitingdaily.com/recruitingnews-week-that-was/ Mon, 29 Sep 2014 18:58:58 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/recruitingnews-week-that-was/ Happy Monday, recruiters! Hope you all enjoyed a well deserved weekend off, but now that you’re back to the grind, back on the grid and back working to get that... Read more

The post The Week That Was: Top Recruiting News & Views You Need To Know appeared first on RecruitingDaily.

Happy Monday, recruiters! Hope you all enjoyed a well deserved weekend off, but now that you’re back to the grind, back on the grid and back working to get that next placement, we’ve got just the thing to get your recruiting week started off right.
With so many clients, candidates and reqs up in the air at any one time, it can be hard to stay on top of the recruiting news and views that matter most for ensuring you stay on top of your game -and up to date with the industry.  Good news: we’ve got your back.
Ready to get things started? Without further ado, it’s time for Recruiting Daily’s weekly recruiting news rundown: The Week That Was.

The Social Scene: Hello, Ello

Gog88lPSCqZgLDHrmH43.pngTo open this week we say goodbye to Facebook (ok – not really) and hello to Ello.
What is Ello you might be asking? Be thankful you found this post. It’s only the buzzword of the moment for all social recruiters. Not to mention a perfect example of the type news one might miss in running a desk (shameless post plug).
Ello is the latest social media channel to go viral and take the Net by storm. The major distinguishing characteristic of this platform is that it offers anonymity as it’s key feature. Anonymity? Social? Can they co-exist?
The team at Ello feels that is an easy answer. Currently in Beta and  by invite only, members are able to join and have access to all the core features of a social network, but the piece of mind of knowing their data and cyber tracks are theirs and theirs alone.
I know what you’re all thinking, a webinar is certain to be announced this week on how to source Ello and debunk the entire theory, but for now if you’re like me, you just want an invite to check out all the hype.
Hello, Ello? Hook a brother up.

Agency Focus: Doing It For Daniel

So what’s a week without a little controversy? This one is for my agency recruiting friends. We have all been there, sourced an amazing candidate, dreamt of the placement, and conducted the screen only to find the skeleton.
None of us are perfect, and in my experience sharing the ‘bad’ upfront on behalf of a candidate was always successful in still being able to get them placed.
A UK based social services agency is taking the same approach but in reverse for their newly launched social recruitment campaign called Do it for Daniel. 
The Coventry City Council is using the memory of the  tragic murder of four year old Daniel Pelka to not only avoid a repeat scenario, but to recruit the best clinicians in the field to help the cause.
This is same agency that came under fire and deemed ‘ inadequate’ in damning reports that followed the horrific event. Nonetheless, they are painting a realistic picture in an attempt to brand their job opportunities.
Ed Ruane, cabinet member for children’s services, said:
“Daniel’s death was devastating for everyone who knew him and there isn’t a day goes by when we don’t wish we could have done things differently. “Our campaign is deliberately emotive because we need it to stand out from the crowded social work job market and attract the best so we can improve what we do. “We know this campaign will be controversial and people may accuse us of exploiting Daniel’s memory. “
But the truth is that Daniel’s tragic story drives everything we do.
The Guardian ran a great article offering an overview of the entire story. Do you find it explotive? Will it result in successful hires? Only time will tell.

Recruiting News Roundup: Quick Hits

A few other recruiting news items of note –
  • Is hierarchal hiring a practice gone wrong? Are hiring mangers not getting it done recruiters? Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt thinks that is the case, as he shares why a committee should have a say in who a company is hiring. Anyone in favor of this concept?
  • We can be honest here right? Most Healthcare recruiters suck at social media. I said it, but as a healthcare recruiter I feel I have some liberty. That all being said, help might be on the way for my professional colleagues. TweetMyJobs is looking to get more active in the healthcare industry with it’s recently announced partnership with HealthcareSource.
  • Fake job ads are on the rise in the Australian marketplace as, Tracy Angwin posts on SmartCompany with tips to avoid unethical recruitment processes. Any that you would add?
  • Thinking about growing your staffing business? Go for it player. Jenny Keller offers a few tips on  Scaling Your Staffing Business: Making Cents of It.
  • Is EmployUS poised to become the Uber of recruitment? Their CEO Jeff Stocks believes so, but then again, he claims have spent years working in the ‘human capital space’. Never a good term, Jeff. Read up on how this start up is beginning to make some noise by disrupting the traditional recruitment model.
  • What section of the resume is most important in landing the job? Time makes the case for the skills section. A handy 3-step process that is worth passing to your candidates.

RecruitingBlogs Read of the Week


My nomination for RecruitingBlogs.com post of the week goes to the one and only Amy Ala. As a featured RBC member, it is always great to get Amy’s perspective on the glamorous side of recruiting (will allow you to add own sarcasm). She doesn’t disappoint in her latest post, Trust Me, I’m a Professional; this week’s must read for all recruiters digging in the trenches.

Lastly, we complete this week’s recruiting news installment with my personal favorite social update of the week; that distinction goes to the queen of social recruiting, Stacy Zapar.



Yeah. Amen to that sister. After all who has time for looking at jobs on Facebook with Jeter goodbyes, Scandal spoilers, and favorite seasonal pumpkin beer debates? Not that there is anything wrong with that last one.
And there you have it recruiters – consider yourself now in the know for the week that was in recruiting news.
Like the stories? Don’t like them? Want to add your own?
Share what’s on your mind at RecruitingBlogs.com.

About The Author:  Tim Spagnola is one of the  RecruitingDaily partners and a recruiting content snob. As a professionTimal recruiter since 2002, with experience in healthcare and medical device placement, Tim cares about bringing relevant and real time access to resources and information for our recruiting audience.

He is a Dad, blogger, pop culture junkie and self described social media enthusiast. You can follow Tim on Twitter @TSpagnola or connect with him on LinkedIn.

The post The Week That Was: Top Recruiting News & Views You Need To Know appeared first on RecruitingDaily.

The Week That Was – Recruiting https://recruitingdaily.com/week-recruiting/ Mon, 22 Sep 2014 19:08:32 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/week-recruiting/ Hello fellow recruiters, talent pros, and sourcers. Who is ready to make a placement this week? As you may have noted over the recent months, the team at Recruiting Daily... Read more

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Hello fellow recruiters, talent pros, and sourcers. Who is ready to make a placement this week?

As you may have noted over the recent months, the team at Recruiting Daily has had a lot going on. We re-launched all of our sites, added a great staff of regular contributors and introduced a new editor for RecruitingTools.com. With so much being accomplished behind the scenes, I thought that it was time for me to add my snarky voice back into the rotation (yeah – that’s a skill of mine too). However, I ask that you reserve judgment on whether or not that’s a good thing for at least a few weeks. So in saying all that, I’m excited to introduce a new regular feature on RecruitingDaily.com called ‘The week that was recruiting’.

Let’s be honest – there’s a whole lot of noise out there in the recruiting world, but for those of us who are running a desk full time, it’s easy to miss some of the top stories. Thus the focus of this feature is to offer a quick recap of key stories from the previous week that all recruiters should know about.

Ready to get things started?

To start this week we will open with a tale of the haves and have-nots:

ZiprecruiterThe haves were an easy selection this week as Founder (and RBC supporter) Ian Siegel of ZipRecruiter made huge news by securing $60+ million in the company’s first round of funding. For those who have used this job distribution/CMR tool, you might be quick to note how it has evolved over the years. Now Ian and his team are poised to offer further expansion with enough financial resources to do some damage. Expect big things in the coming months from the ZipRecruiter team. Although on a personal note I hope they scale back some of the advertising. It has been a little too in your face as of late.

branchoutOn the flipside we have the have-nots and that distinction goes to BranchOut. Remember when BranchOut was poised to be the LinkedIn killer? When it was the essential tool for recruiters to source Facebook? The tool that would revolutionize our industry? Ok – I’m pushing it a bit with that last one, but if you’re like me, you downloaded the app, logged in once to play around, got bombarded with spam and never went back. Well apparently there are a whole lot of you out there like me as TechCruch reported that the BranchOut team is heading towards throwing in the towel. When you build a product on top of someone else’s platform one of the pitfalls is that you’re at their mercy.

A few other recruiting items of note –

College BasketballAnd to my fellow recruiters who are sports fans, this one is for you. We all leverage what we have in our favor to make a placement, so why would it be any different in sports? Case in point is Duke’s Coach Krzyzewski. Yahoo had an interesting story this week on how the Duke coach and current Team USA basketball head coach has leveraged his role in the later capacity to attract top high school basketball players from across the country. Is that bad thing? Perhaps for this UCONN fan, but in the grand scheme of things it is all about working with that you have which is a key element for all successful recruiters.

Lastly, each installment of this new column ends with my personal favorite social media update of the week and that honor in this inaugural post goes to my good friend Bill Boorman:


The Founder of TRU knows a thing or two about open, non-facilitated forums. Safe travels Bill, wherever you are this week. I get dizzy just following your whereabouts via social media.

And there you have it recruiters – consider yourself now in the know for the week that was.

Until next Monday, happy hunting and be sure to share what’s on your mind at RecruitingBlogs.com.

About The Author:  Tim Spagnola is one of the  RecruitingDaily partners and a recruiting content snob. As a
professionTimal recruiter since 2002 with experience in healthcare and medical device placement, Tim cares about bringing relevant and real time access to resources and information for our recruiting audience. He is a Dad, blogger, pop culture junkie and self described social media enthusiast. You can follow Tim on Twitter @TSpagnola or connect with him on LinkedIn.

The post The Week That Was – Recruiting appeared first on RecruitingDaily.

Announcing the Recruiting Service Innovation Awards (the ResSis) https://recruitingdaily.com/announcing-recruiting-service-innovation-awards-ressis/ Thu, 20 Feb 2014 10:34:59 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/announcing-recruiting-service-innovation-awards-ressis/ The 1st Annual Recruiting Service Innovation Awards (the ReSIs) Recognizing Innovators & Game Changers in Hiring in the New Economy The 1st Annual Recruiting Service Innovation Awards (the ReSIs) will... Read more

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The 1st Annual Recruiting Service Innovation Awards (the ReSIs)
Recognizing Innovators & Game Changers in Hiring in the New Economy

iawesThe 1st Annual Recruiting Service Innovation Awards (the ReSIs) will be presented on June 25, 2014, following the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Annual Conference & Expo in Orlando, Florida.

The ReSIs, sponsored by Boxwood Technology and Simply Hired, are the first accolade to recognize ground-breaking sourcing and recruiting products and services that help employers “optimize their recruiters’ experience.”  Why is that important? Nan Weitzmann, Americas Talent Acquisition Leader at Hewlett Packard and a member of the ReSIs Selection Committee, explains: “The ReSIs recognize those solutions that provide a value-add to improve the recruiter experience. When recruiters are more effective and productive, the hiring process moves more quickly and enhances the overall candidate and hiring experience. “

The employment service industry was hit hard by the Great Recession.  But as the economy has strengthened, so have the companies that provide the tools recruiters use to find talent.  By the end of 2016, the employ-ment services industry is projected to grow to an annual value of $490.1 billion. (Research and Markets’ Global Human Resources Employment Services report.) This growth is being led by a surge of technological advances producing a myriad of new recruitment products and services which the ReSIs will recognize and promote.

The IAEWS, the trade organization for the global online employment services industry, has been at the forefront of product and service innovations among job boards, social media sites, aggregators, job ad distribution companies, applicant tracking system companies, recruitment advertising agencies and the vendors which work with and for them.  Collectively, IAEWS members power or operate over 60,000 sites worldwide.

Nominations for the 2014 ReSIs may be submitted any time until March 28, 2014. Awards will be presented in 5 categories

  • External Sourcing: Acquisition of candidates from outside an employer
  • Internal Sourcing: Acquisition of candidates from inside an employer
  • Screening: Evaluation of candidates
  • Candidate Management/Selection: Communication with candidates
  • Wild Card: Outside-the-box developments

A blue ribbon Selection Committee composed of HR and recruiting executives from Hewlett Packard, Hyatt, Meritage Talent Solutions, New Belgium Brewing, and Outerwall, Inc. will evaluate each nomination and select a Winner and Runner-Up in each category.

For more information on the IAEWS and the ReSIs please visit http://www.employmentwebsites.org/recruiting-innovation-awards or contact Peter Weddle, IAEWS Executive Director at director@EmploymentWebSites.org or 203.964.1888

About the IAEWS:
The International Association of Employment Web Sites is the trade organization for the global online employment services industry. Each year, the IAEWS conducts the two largest conferences of employment site executives in the world. In addition, it performs research on key trends among job seekers and recruiters, oversees an annual global benchmark survey, publishes an e-magazine for thought leaders in online recruitment, and through its Code of Ethics, promotes the highest standards of business conduct among its members. These and other initiatives reinforce a single vision that recognizes employment Web sites for what they are: the Sources of SuccessTM.  (www.EmploymentWebSites.org)

About Boxwood Technology:
Boxwood has been delivering online career center solutions exclusively to the association marketplace since 1998. As the industry leader, Boxwood has helped its clients generate over $400 million in non-dues revenue. It is also the only career center solutions provider to earn an endorsement by American Society of Association Executives every year since 2002.  (www.boxwoodtech.com)

About Simply Hired

Simply Hired ®, a technology company based in Sunnyvale, California, operates job search engines in 24 countries and 12 languages. With more than 30 million unique visitors per month, the company provides job seekers access to millions of job openings across all job categories and industries, reaching job seekers on the web, social networks, mobile devices, email, and via thousands of partner sites including LinkedIn, The Washington Post, and Bloomberg Businessweek. (www.simplyhired.com)

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Executive Search Firm Looks Forward To A Strong Q2 https://recruitingdaily.com/executive-search-firm-looks-forward-to-a-strong-q2/ Mon, 23 Apr 2012 23:49:13 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/executive-search-firm-looks-forward-to-a-strong-q2/ Executive Search Firm Looks Forward To A Strong Q2 » CHARLOTTE, N.C. (PRWEB) April 20, 2012 Top executive search firm Millennium Search finished an outstanding first quarter in 2012, exceeding... Read more

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Executive Search Firm Looks Forward To A Strong Q2 »

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (PRWEB) April 20, 2012 Top executive search firm Millennium Search finished an outstanding first quarter in 2012, exceeding projected revenue. The firm, which specializes in IT and high-tech recruiting, is expecting to continue this success into the second quarter.

The Millennium Search team brought on new clients including Collectrium, GridGain, Adaptris, Wimdu, Conviva and Tripwire. The firm continues to successfully place top-tier candidates with cutting edge software companies backed by the leading VC’s around the world.

“The recruiting industry is extremely fast-paced, but our team is even quicker in providing top quality candidates to clients,” said Amish Shah, CEO of Millennium Search.

Millennium Search added Molly Gamache to the firm to serve as the executive assistant and office manager or some may call “Task Master” to keep things organized. Gamache is based in the Boston office.

“Molly has experience with the C-level and fills a much needed void at Millennium Search with her attention to detail and excellent communication skills,” said Shah.

“I am thrilled to join the Millennium Search team and look forward to providing organization to help everyone get where they want to be,” said Gamache.

With exciting new projects and clients lined up for the year, Millennium Search is focused on exceeding expectations and adding new clients.

Read Executive Search Firm Looks Forward To A Strong Q2 now »

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Midmark Corporation Achieves Social Media Recruiting Success with myStaffingPro https://recruitingdaily.com/midmark-corporation-achieves-social-media-recruiting-success-with-mystaffingpro/ Mon, 23 Apr 2012 21:47:21 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/midmark-corporation-achieves-social-media-recruiting-success-with-mystaffingpro/ Midmark Corporation Achieves Social Media Recruiting Success with myStaffingPro » (PRWEB) April 23, 2012 myStaffingPro has published a case study in cooperation with Midmark Corporation on their recruiting success with... Read more

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Midmark Corporation Achieves Social Media Recruiting Success with myStaffingPro »

(PRWEB) April 23, 2012 myStaffingPro has published a case study in cooperation with Midmark Corporation on their recruiting success with social media. The case study explores Midmark Corporation’s recruiting challenges and identifies how, with social media and the myStaffingPro applicant tracking system, they were able to overcome these challenges.

Midmark Corporation brings efficient patient care to millions of people each day in the human and animal healthcare industries around the world. The most trusted name in medical, dental, and veterinary healthcare equipment solutions, Midmark is committed to providing innovative products and services for the healthcare professional, integrating value-added technology into everything it does. With more than 1,500 teammates worldwide, Midmark is dedicated to making a positive difference in the practice of healthcare.

Headquartered in Versailles, Ohio, gaining visibility was the primary challenge for Midmark Corporation. “myStaffingPro has several social media tools that can be used to promote openings. Midmark is using their Facebook job application, as well as the job posting to Twitter and Linkedin, ” said Dana Wilker, recruiter at Midmark Corporation.

Once implemented and adopted, it was important to be able to measure the results of their social media activities. Wilker added, “myStaffingPro created a LinkedIn sourcing code that helped us attach candidates to the right source.”

The case study detailing Midmark Corporation’s success with myStaffingPro is available for download at: http://success.mystaffingpro.com

Read Midmark Corporation Achieves Social Media Recruiting Success with myStaffingPro now »

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Computer Optimization of Resumes Lead to More Interviews https://recruitingdaily.com/computer-optimization-of-resumes-lead-to-more-interviews/ Mon, 23 Apr 2012 19:44:20 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/computer-optimization-of-resumes-lead-to-more-interviews/ Computer Optimization of Resumes Lead to More Interviews » Toronto, ON (PRWEB) April 23, 2012 John Ciampi, President of Preptel, will guest star on the live ‘Get Hired Fast Track’... Read more

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Computer Optimization of Resumes Lead to More Interviews »

Toronto, ON (PRWEB) April 23, 2012

John Ciampi, President of Preptel, will guest star on the live ‘Get Hired Fast Track’ show, on April 25, 2012, at 6:00PM PDT to discuss computer analysis and optimization of resumes. ‘Get Hired Fast Track,’ broadcast weekly on Vokle, is hosted by Paul Hill (http://www.transitiontohired.com/about-paul/) job search expert and author of The Panic Free Job Search, Unleash The Power of the Web and Social Networking to Get Hired (htttp://http://www.PanicFreeJobSearch.com).The show focuses on helping job hunters get hired by investigating and reporting on new trends and technologies in job search.

“The biggest frustrations for job hunters who apply to jobs through online postings are the lack of interviews and the lack of follow-up by employers.” said Paul Hill the host of the show. In today’s automated employer world, the applicant’s resume must first get through a computer screen to be selected. The probability of being selected for an interview is very low if an applicant’s resume is not formatted properly and does not contain the right words. “Computers have a very specific way that they look at resumes,” said Jon Ciampi, the founder of California-based Preptel

“As a career and job search coach, an innovation that can be used to markedly increase the number of interviews for a job hunter is worth investigating.” Hill said. “Even though job hunters understand the importance today of using social media, and social networking, LinkedIn, facebook and twitter for example, most job seekers still fall back on applying to jobs online as their job search plan. Unfortunately “clicking and sending” a non-optimized resume on the Internet has a low probability of success.”

The ‘Get Hired Fast Track’ show on April 25 will address the following:

– How job hunters can optimize their resumes to get more interviews?
– How applying Resumeter analysis results to a resume can substantially increase the probability of getting an interview?

Read Computer Optimization of Resumes Lead to More Interviews now »

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Randstad Canada: A Great Place to Work®! https://recruitingdaily.com/randstad-canada-a-great-place-to-work/ Mon, 23 Apr 2012 17:32:20 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/randstad-canada-a-great-place-to-work/ Randstad Canada: A Great Place to Work®! » TORONTO, April 19, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — Randstad Canada continues to distinguish itself as a “Best Workplace in Canada” Randstad Canada,... Read more

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Randstad Canada: A Great Place to Work®! »

TORONTO, April 19, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — Randstad Canada continues to distinguish itself as a “Best Workplace in Canada”

Randstad Canada, the country’s leader in staffing, recruitment and HR Services, is pleased to announce it has been recognized as a “Best Workplace in Canada” by the Great Place to Work® Institute Canada. This year, the company has made an upward climb and placed 22nd on the list, after having claimed the 25th spot in 2011.

Jan Hein Bax, President of Randstad Canada says it is a great honour to be recognized as one of the Best Workplaces in Canada and confirms employee engagement is a priority for the organization.

“As leaders in our industry, we recognize the importance of meeting the needs and wants of today’s top talent. At Randstad, it is our people who contribute to the excellence of our business and to our ability to meet the evolving needs of our clients. That’s why, whether it’s through stay interviews, engagement surveys, or by offering outstanding volunteer opportunities, training and development, a great corporate culture and flexible work solutions, we are constantly working to find out, and better meet, the needs of our employees,” he says.

With initiatives like: “Treat Thursdays” where employees take a break to enjoy some time to chat with co-workers as they enjoy their favourite snacks; “Jean Fridays” where employees can don jeans once a week for a $5 fee that is donated to charity; flexible work-from-home solutions and employee awards in the form of trips and prizes for top performers – it’s not hard to see why Randstad Canada has secured this honour for six consecutive years.

But while it’s clear the company knows how to have fun, Randstad Canada also places a strong emphasis on employee development and training opportunities. “We provide our group with ongoing training and mentoring. We want our employees to be better and to grow with our ever changing industry. One example is the Master’s program which we launched a few years ago. Through this program we identify a group of high-potential staff and provide them with a real business issue that our company is facing, and pair them into non-management groups. An executive coach is then designated as the sponsor for each group, guiding them through the project while allowing them to tackle the challenge independently. This gives participants the opportunity to think beyond their current role, growing their capabilities while directly contributing to the betterment of the organization,” explains Bax.

“At Randstad Canada, we have great benefits and we have great development programs, but it is truly the culture of our company that make us such a great place to work!” says Bax. “Creating a positive workplace where employees can realize their talents and career aspirations is part of our core values. Everyone who works here is proud of the brand and we work hard to ensure our commitment to excellence,” he says.

According to Bax, wining this award holds great importance to Randstad Canada. “With looming skills shortages and a large number of baby boomers set to retire, employee engagement is a top HR priority for organizations, including ours,” says Bax. “We recognize that our employer brand is important currency in making sure we attract the right talent to help us continue our growth and achieve our goals. It’s not just about talking the talk – this award proves we can walk the walk too.”

This year’s list received over 230 nominations and approximately 49,000 employees participated in the 2012 “Best Workplaces in Canada” survey.

Read Randstad Canada: A Great Place to Work®! now »

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Reinventing Digital Job Search: GetHired.com CEO to Guest on ‘Get Hired Fast Track’ Show on VOKLE https://recruitingdaily.com/reinventing-digital-job-search-gethired-com-ceo-to-guest-on-get-hired-fast-track-show-on-vokle/ Wed, 18 Apr 2012 00:52:19 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/reinventing-digital-job-search-gethired-com-ceo-to-guest-on-get-hired-fast-track-show-on-vokle/ Reinventing Digital Job Search: GetHired.com CEO to Guest on ‘Get Hired Fast Track’ Show on VOKLE » Toronto, Canada (PRWEB) April 16, 2012 Suki Shah, co-founder and CEO of GetHired.com,... Read more

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Reinventing Digital Job Search: GetHired.com CEO to Guest on ‘Get Hired Fast Track’ Show on VOKLE »

Toronto, Canada (PRWEB) April 16, 2012 Suki Shah, co-founder and CEO of GetHired.com, the leading end-to-end hiring solution for small- and medium-sized businesses, will guest star on the live ‘Get Hired Fast Track’ show on April 18, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. PDT. ‘Get Hired Fast Track,’ broadcast weekly on Vokle, is hosted by Paul Hill, author of The Panic Free Job Search: Unleash the Power of the Web and Social Networking to Get Hired. The show focuses on getting job hunters hired.

Employers today have unprecedented access to new job search platforms — from software, cloud-based applications and, of course, Web and professional network sites such as LinkedIn. Additionally, new social applications such as BranchOut and BeKnown mine Facebook’s data in hopes of streamlining the hiring process. Job seekers are heading into a digital hiring jungle with no end in sight. But, on January 30, 2012, GetHired.com launched with a way to streamline the process of filling a job (for employers) and getting a job (for job seekers).

“Not only are we helping employers to grow their teams by serving as a job board, ATS, pre-screening tool and video interviewing platform, but at GetHired.com we’re helping job seekers to stand out in their job search beyond the traditional 8.5” x 11” resume,” said Suki Shah, at GetHired.com. “I’m looking forward to speaking with Paul, a respected job search expert, about how to help job seekers find their dream jobs. GetHired.com provides a better candidate experience for both employers and job seekers, at no cost.”

The ‘Get Hired Fast Track’ show on April 18 will address the following questions:

– Have so-called advances in digital recruiting applications really streamlined the hiring process, or have they created more work for both applicant/candidates and employers?
– Are job hunters and employers spending more time looking for each other now rather than getting down to business?

“The team at GetHired.com is truly changing the way people find jobs and the way employers fill jobs by using the power of video to do pre-screening. This pre-screening works for applicants as well as for employers,” said Paul Hill, Chief Instructor of TransitiontoHired.com and the ‘Get Hired Fast Track’ show host. “Not only can employers and applicant/candidates do pre-screening of each other, but they can also conduct real-time virtual video interviews to cut down the cost and time to hire for both parties.”

The live broadcast can be viewed here (http://bit.ly/Afmbgu) or on Facebook (http://on.fb.me/w3LRZr) on April 18, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. PDT.

Read Reinventing Digital Job Search: GetHired.com CEO to Guest on ‘Get Hired Fast Track’ Show on VOKLE now »

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Judge Technical Staffing Announces Director of Dallas Office https://recruitingdaily.com/judge-technical-staffing-announces-director-of-dallas-office/ Tue, 17 Apr 2012 22:48:36 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/judge-technical-staffing-announces-director-of-dallas-office/ Judge Technical Staffing Announces Director of Dallas Office » PHILADELPHIA, Apr 13, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — The Judge Group, a leading professional services firm offering technology consulting, staffing solutions and... Read more

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Judge Technical Staffing Announces Director of Dallas Office »

PHILADELPHIA, Apr 13, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — The Judge Group, a leading professional services firm offering technology consulting, staffing solutions and corporate training, announced that Ben Glover was promoted to Director of Judge Technical Staffing in Arlington, Texas.

Glover has over eight years of experience in the staffing industry. He began his career in 2003 in a recruiting role with a leading information technology consulting company. Glover joined The Judge Group in 2008 as a recruiter, before moving into an account manager role in 2010. After one year as an account manager with continued success in sales, he was promoted to vice president of sales in 2011.

“Dallas ranks within the top 10 fastest growing metropolitan areas by population in the U.S., so increasing our market penetration there is a key strategy in our overall company growth plan,” said Brian Anderson, president of Judge’s offices in North America. “Ben’s drive, talent and commitment to superior customer service made him a natural choice to lead that growth.”

Glover is launching the JTS division in Arlington and will oversee the day-to-day management of the office and will also be responsible for establishing and maintaining client relationships.

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Accuro Names New Director of Recruitment https://recruitingdaily.com/accuro-names-new-director-of-recruitment/ Tue, 17 Apr 2012 20:42:35 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/accuro-names-new-director-of-recruitment/ Accuro Names New Director of Recruitment » Raleigh, NC, April 12, 2012 –(PR.com)– Jennifer Dunleavy, president of Accuro (http://www.accurogroup.com), a strategic staffing and recruitment company to Fortune 500 and global... Read more

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Accuro Names New Director of Recruitment »

Raleigh, NC, April 12, 2012 –(PR.com)– Jennifer Dunleavy, president of Accuro (http://www.accurogroup.com), a strategic staffing and recruitment company to Fortune 500 and global organizations, has announced the addition of Diane H. Craver as director of recruitment. In her role, Craver will utilize her more than 20 years of recruitment and human resources experience to oversee the firm’s recruitment efforts, including key account management and business expansion.

“Diane’s experience makes her a valuable addition to the Accuro team,” said Dunleavy. “As director of recruitment, she will help people align personal strengths and passions to their work in order to produce a positive outcome for clients. We are delighted to welcome Diane to the team.”

Prior to joining Accuro, Craver was the founder of Spring Forward Group, LLC in Cary, N.C., and held various human resources, business development and leadership roles with PeopleSource, Inc., Manpower Professional and Nortel Networks. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from North Carolina Wesleyan College in Rocky Mount, N.C., a Master of Arts degree in liberal studies (counseling/adult education) from NC State University in Raleigh and a business coaching certification from Duke University in Durham, N.C. A native of Winston-Salem, N.C., Craver resides in Cary, N.C. with her husband, Jeff.

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Hasson Associates Uses Staffing Agency Software to Build its Growing Recruitment System Around Bond Adapt https://recruitingdaily.com/hasson-associates-uses-staffing-agency-software-to-build-its-growing-recruitment-system-around-bond-adapt/ Tue, 17 Apr 2012 18:40:12 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/hasson-associates-uses-staffing-agency-software-to-build-its-growing-recruitment-system-around-bond-adapt/ Hasson Associates Uses Staffing Agency Software to Build its Growing Recruitment System Around Bond Adapt » WORTHING, England, April 16, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — Hasson Associates bases entire recruitment... Read more

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Hasson Associates Uses Staffing Agency Software to Build its Growing Recruitment System Around Bond Adapt »

WORTHING, England, April 16, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — Hasson Associates bases entire recruitment infrastructure around recruitment agency software, Bond Adapt –

Hasson Associates, a market research recruitment specialist, has enjoyed ongoing success and a strong professional relationship with Bond International Software, the global provider of recruitment agency software & human capital management software & services, since deploying Bond Adapt staffing agency software in July 2008.

Since first deployment, Hasson Associates has enhanced its recruitment system and has grown substantially, including a four-fold internal headcount increase, with Bond Adapt providing support for the entire infrastructure.

Hasson Associates was founded in January 2008 by Sinead Hasson, who at the time had 14 years experience in market research recruitment. Prior to the implementation of staffing agency software, Bond Adapt, in July 2008, the company was storing candidate details in spreadsheets – a manual process which was immensely time-consuming and restrictive.

Hasson Associates therefore required a user-friendly recruitment system that enabled it to improve the efficiency of its service and manage relationships effectively, especially in light of its ever-increasing database of candidates. After conducting a thorough market review, trialling five other recruitment agency software solutions, Hasson Associates concluded that Bond Adapt was the easiest to use, the most suited to its specific needs, as well as the most scalable and cost-effective.

Hasson Associates deployed the latest version of staffing agency software, Bond Adapt, to provide the foundations for the entire recruitment system – from searching the database for relevant candidates to providing all elements of CRM activity for the candidate and client alike.

Recruitment agency software, Bond Adapt, has been fundamental in the rapid success and growth that Hasson Associates has enjoyed in its four years of operation. The company was shortlisted for the ‘Best Newcomer Agency’ in the 2010 Recruiter Awards for Excellence and has seen its requirement for Adapt user licenses increase from two to nine in this short period.

Sinead Hasson, Managing Director, Hasson Associates, comments, “As our business grew, accumulating more and more clients and candidates, it became essential to find a software solution which allowed us to streamline our candidate search and placement processes and store candidate information securely. Some recruitment packages that we had previously come across were particularly cumbersome to use, often requiring excessive data entry and overall management. Our principle requirement was therefore for a product that gathered all the information needed, processed it and stored it, but that also actively helped our team in placing candidates with our clients – it wasn’t enough to just be a data repository, it had to make our processes more efficient.- Bond Adapt offered us all of this with the least disruptive, yet most cost effective package.”

Hasson concludes, “We have used Adapt very effectively since its implementation in July 2008 which, in turn, has facilitated our rapid expansion and success. We enjoy a strong working relationship with Bond: the helpdesk for example, is always available and receptive to our queries, a facility which has been invaluable to us as a developing business.”

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Jobathon.com Implements New Business Model with Launch of Job Aggregate Website https://recruitingdaily.com/jobathon-com-implements-new-business-model-with-launch-of-job-aggregate-website/ Tue, 17 Apr 2012 17:35:04 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/jobathon-com-implements-new-business-model-with-launch-of-job-aggregate-website/ Jobathon.com Implements New Business Model with Launch of Job Aggregate Website » San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) April 16, 2012 Jobathon.com launches a new website, powered by the same technology behind... Read more

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Jobathon.com Implements New Business Model with Launch of Job Aggregate Website »

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) April 16, 2012 Jobathon.com launches a new website, powered by the same technology behind Sales.Jobs.com, to match job seekers with the right employers. The new website is based on an entirely new business model that will allow Jobathon.com to provide a service based on multimillion-dollar technology for its users while building its own long-term success.

Jobathon is using the technology introduced and developed for SalesJobs.com (a niche employment site that is a leader in the sales and employment industry) but it will be attached to a Google-type interface to merge high-end technology with a familiar user experience.

“The user will never see the technology used behind our system,” said Eric Ruiz, CEO of Sales Jobs Inc. “It will simply be a seamless experience with technology that rivals any other job aggregate site available today.”

SalesJobs.com was the first to introduce this kind of fully automated business model, and Jobathon.com will take advantage of this new business model as it expands into the global market. This will allow the company to scale the service to meet demand because it is designed to be run, managed, and administered completely on its own. The goal of this model is to minimize the fixed running costs and make it easier to remain profitable.

“The environment for job aggregate websites is very competitive, and staying on top means keeping fixed costs low and profit margins high,” Ruiz said. “With our system, everything from marketing, sales, and client contact is accomplished without any human intervention. SalesJobs.com introduced this technology years ago in 1999, and since then it has become the largest, most profitable sales employment site in the world. We expect to see the same results from our new job aggregate site.”

By year end, the company expects Jobathon.com to be running in many countries around the world. The site already has over 100,000 listings for categories such as sales, design, accounting, and marketing jobs.

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Aquent Heads Up App Launches for Talent Updates on the Go https://recruitingdaily.com/aquent-heads-up-app-launches-for-talent-updates-on-the-go/ Tue, 17 Apr 2012 02:41:59 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/aquent-heads-up-app-launches-for-talent-updates-on-the-go/ Aquent Heads Up App Launches for Talent Updates on the Go » BOSTON, April 11, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — In keeping with its history of staffing industry innovation, Aquent — and... Read more

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Aquent Heads Up App Launches for Talent Updates on the Go »

BOSTON, April 11, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — In keeping with its history of staffing industry innovation, Aquent — and its sister division, Vitamin T — has launched a free mobile application — called Aquent Heads Up — for the iPhone, which allows registered marketing and creative Talent to “check in” with their Agent with one click, letting the Agent know current and future availability. Also, using this app, Talent can quickly contact their Agent by phone, email, and more. Though the app is available for the iPhone exclusively, future releases will include support for Android and other mobile devices.

“This mobile app is the first of its kind in the staffing industry,” explains Ann Webster, President, Aquent, when asked about the app’s development. “Because it provides Aquent Agents with up-to-the-minute Talent availability, they gain better access to Talent with cutting-edge and in-demand skillsets — HTML5 Developers, Mobile App Designers, Project Managers, etc. This means Agents respond faster to client needs for successfully increasing the capacity of their marketing and creative departments.”

For more information on Aquent’s talent and services, or to register as one of its marketing and creative candidates, please visit its website: www.aquent.com or call 877-227-8368.

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Milicruit and Military Officers Association of America Host Military Spouse Virtual Career Fair https://recruitingdaily.com/milicruit-and-military-officers-association-of-america-host-military-spouse-virtual-career-fair/ Mon, 16 Apr 2012 23:40:21 +0000 https://recruitingdaily.com/milicruit-and-military-officers-association-of-america-host-military-spouse-virtual-career-fair/ Milicruit and Military Officers Association of America Host Military Spouse Virtual Career Fair » CHICAGO, April 12, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Milicruit, a recognized leader in virtual recruitment environments for veterans,... Read more

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Milicruit and Military Officers Association of America Host Military Spouse Virtual Career Fair »

CHICAGO, April 12, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Milicruit, a recognized leader in virtual recruitment environments for veterans, and military spouses, today announced the date of the annual virtual career fair for military spouses which will take place on May 7, 2012 in recognition of Military Spouse Appreciation Day www.militaryspousecf.com.

The virtual career fair will allow Military Spouses from all over the world, the opportunity to meet and interact with industry leading, military friendly employers in real time, and from the comfort and convenience of their home. In the Milicruit virtual career fair, spouses can view all available jobs with the employers exhibiting in the Jobs Center, visit employer booths in the Exhibit Hall, and chat with fellow spouses in the Networking Lounge.

“We are thrilled to host our second dedicated virtual career fair for Military Spouses. We recognize that the Military Spouse also serves, and through the Milicruit event, they will have the ability to meet with employers from all over the country that share our views. Last year we had more than 1800 spouses attend the inaugural event, and we are looking forward to an even bigger event this year,” Stated Kevin O’Brien, vice president business development, Milicruit.

More than 40 employers are expected to participate including: American Red Cross, Aetna, Arise, Camping World and Good Sam, CBRE, Citi, Convergys, DaVita, DISH Network, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Graybar, Lowe’s, NCO Financial, Penske Truck Leasing, Pfizer, Philips, Progressive, Sears, State Street Corporation, The SI organization, Xerox Business Services and many more.

Military Spouses interested in participating can register at www.militaryspousecf.com and they will also be entered to win an iPad 3 which will be announced in the networking lounge inside the Milicruit career fair on May 7th at 3PM EDT. Employers interested in participating can send an email to info@milicruit.com.

“As a military spouse and 15-year Convergys employee, I am delighted that Convergys is one of the first 20 large corporations to join Milicruit in their 10,000 Jobs Challenge for Veterans and Military Spouses,” said Lori Anne Davis, director of agent recruiting for Convergys Corporation. “In the past year, we have hired close to 1,000 people with military related experience for positions supporting our brick-and-mortar sites and our Home Agent program. We are in the process of hiring another 500 Home Agents, and we hope that many candidates will be from the military community.”

The Military Spouse virtual career fair will be the first event in support of the 10,000 Jobs Challenge for Veterans and Military Spouses. The challenge was started in March 2012 with Milicruit, DirectEmployers Association, Military Officers Association of America, and 20 leading companies. The challenge aims to help at least 10,000 veterans and their spouse find employment through the end of 2013, and has already assisted more than 1700 in finding jobs with the employers involved. Milicruit will host monthly national virtual career fairs which are open to all service members and their spouses. To learn more about the 10,000 Jobs Challenge, visit www.10000jobs.com.

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