SHELTON, Conn. March 15, 2021 – RecruitingDaily, the world’s leading community of recruiters and talent acquisition professionals, has acquired the HCM Technology Report, a website that provides news and analysis of HR technology to executives on the industry’s buy and sell sides.
Mark Feffer, the HCM Technology Report’s founder and editor, will become executive editor of both sites as well as their sponsored content operations.
“For some time we’ve wanted to expand RecruitingDaily’s reach to serve the growing community of HR professionals and business leaders who rely on dedicated technology solutions to manage the workforce,” said Noel Cocca, RecruitingDaily’s founder and CEO.
“The HCM Technology Report’s experience in the wider field of HR, and its proven ability to produce accurate and timely content, offers a springboard to expand our reach and introduce new elements of content to our audience.”
“The addition of Mark Feffer and the HCM Technology Report to our team will allow us to serve customers with a new level of business news, sponsored content opportunities and paid content services,” added RecruitingDaily Chief Marketing Officer Ryan Leary.
“Technology is driving change in HR and recruiting at blinding speed, and everyone from CEOs and CHROs to HR practitioners and recruiters are struggling to understand what capabilities are available, which tools make sense for them, what’s hype and what’s not,” observed RecruitingDaily President William Tincup.
“With the HCM Technology Report, we’ll be able to help the professionals who recruit, develop and manage the workforce make decisions with a better understanding of best practices and technology.”
For his part, Feffer sees the transaction as an opportunity to join a creative team of industry experts.
“I’ve always been impressed by RecruitingDaily’s industry knowledge and enthusiasm, to say nothing of its commitment to its audience and customers,” he said.
“I’m glad to have the chance to work with them full-time, and I know we’ll serve the HR and talent acquisition industries with products and services that will start strong and get stronger.”
About RecruitingDaily
Founded in 2010, RecruitingDaily is the leading online media resource for today’s recruiting world, offering a signature mix of content, news, webinars, podcasts, videos, eBooks, white papers and events that develop professional best practices.
RecruitingDaily and its network of sites reach a global audience that ranges from entry-level sourcers to strategy-level executives in the Human Resources, talent acquisition, recruitment marketing, compliance and diversity and inclusion professions worldwide.
About the HCM Technology Report
The HCM Technology Report, which began publishing in 2018, covers business issues related to the technology used by employers to attract, hire and manage their workforce and plan their workforce strategy.
Its coverage encompasses product and technical developments, user behaviors and organizational changes that impact the strategies, operations and financial performance of both customers and vendors.
Noel Cocca [email protected]

Noel Cocca
CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.
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