Jill Chapman
Jill Chapman is a senior performance consultant with Insperity, a leading provider of human resources and business performance solutions. For more information about Insperity, call 800-465-3800 or visit www.insperity.com.
Content authored by Jill Chapman
Generational Recruiting: Know Your Audience
Today’s modern workforce includes four primary generations— Gen Zs, Millennials, Gen Xers, and Boomers. The multigenerational workforce is one of the four main trends shaping talent acquisition in the coming years… Read more
Video Interviewing and Messaging: A New Recruiting Holy Grail?
Today’s recruits expect companies to offer an authentic look into the workplace culture and specific job roles. There is also a strong desire for many potential employees to find an… Read more
Gain an Edge in a Competitive Labor Market: Implement Personality Tests
The current labor market is fierce as employers feel the pressure to attract, engage and retain top talent. The time it takes to recruit and hire counts but it is… Read more