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Millennial Candidates Want a Diverse Workplace Millennials are the future and in some cases, the overwhelming present majority of the workforce. In fact, research shows that millennials are the largest… Read more

7 Tips for Recruiting Top Talent in Upcoming Industries Recruiting new talent in companies can be quite challenging as sometimes job-seekers ace the interviews but are unable to perform well… Read more

I read a great article not too long ago on “learning to source and sourcing to learn.” Which elaborated on how both learning and sourcing are necessary and complementary to… Read more

Ripplematch Gen Z Impact

Must-Have Characteristics of a Good Recruiting Video The world has evolved so much over the past years and modernized so swiftly that it is hard to believe the progress. The… Read more

Closing a Candidate Before the Interview Depending on the role, industry, or individual, some candidates will always remain in-demand, no matter the state of the job market. Tech is an… Read more

Your ATS Contains Gold – How to Easily Uncover a Hidden Competitive Advantage Dams have been built all over the world as a source of energy for local communities. Washington… Read more

Want to Improve the Candidate Experience? Start with Communication Employers have a lot on their plates, to say the least, as companies continue to deal with the fallout from COVID-19…. Read more

  Ruminating on 2020 Sourcing I took it upon myself to conduct an unofficial and unscientific talent acquisition survey.  I wanted to talk to various Sourcers from around the nation… Read more

The One Recruitment Tech Solution I Would Buy Right Now It’s the end of 2020 and there is good news about a vaccine. Hopefully this will be distributed from early… Read more

The Most Valuable Gift You Can Offer During a Pandemic: Yourself I believe there’s no higher value than sharing your knowledge and touching a person’s life. And now, more than… Read more

Why Remote Work is the Best Opportunity for Diversity & Inclusion Yet As someone who loves the comradery of office life, I almost hate to admit that I’ve learned a… Read more

Eight months ago, our world was turned upside-down as a pandemic caused a major disruption in how nearly everything is done. Several weeks before large-scale events started getting canceled, my… Read more

Meeting Workers Where They Are Thanks in large part to technology, the idea of meeting workers where they are has evolved over time or so goes the theory behind the… Read more

De-Mystifying Quality of Hire Recruiters and business leaders have the same goal. Find the ideal person who will be able to perform the job and make valuable contributions to the… Read more

  My Daily Sourcing Toolkit As a sourcer, I find myself always looking for the next big “tool” to make my workflow run smoother. However, over the past year, I’ve… Read more

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