Kieran Snyder
CEO and Co-Founder of Textio. Long-time software product leader, accomplished data writer, recovering academic with a PhD in Linguistics and Cognitive Science from the University of Pennsylvania. Deep experience in product management, product marketing, pricing and licensing, and SaaS across the board, with specific technical strengths in natural language processing and data science.
Content authored by Kieran Snyder
LinkedIn: Five Tips to Make Your Posts Shine
We’ve all seen the posts on LinkedIn that make us cringe a little. It could have been a motivational story that didn’t quite motivate or a post that felt like… Read more
What LinkedIn doesn’t tell you about recruiting email
When was the last time you emailed a potential job candidate, but never heard back from them? If you’re like most people who source passive candidates, it was probably just… Read more
Poetic Justice: Why Machine Learning Matters in Recruiting and Hiring.
The first time I used Waze was a revelation. This was not because of the network effects it generates, but more importantly, because of how transparently the application’s user interface… Read more
The Top 10 Best and Worst Buzzwords for Recruiting Tech Talent.
Language is constantly changing; the world we live in demands consistently finding new ways to define the previously undefinable, describe the indescribable (or inconceivable) and reflect our ever evolving society. Take… Read more
Closing the Gap: A Look at Gender Bias in Fortune 500 Job Listings.
In 2007, Catalyst published research showing that corporate boards that include three or more women significantly outperform others; these companies show 53% greater return on equity, 42% greater return on… Read more