Recruiters talk a lot about creating efficiency in the hiring process, but few have mastered what that looks like in practice. We wouldn’t be here if you had.

A quick analysis of how we spend our time can reveal a few glaringly obvious areas of improvement. Searching for candidates is one of them.

There’s ample evidence that suggests this step can take up at least 30 hours per week, leaving little room for anything else. 

By helping you stop searching and start matching, MojoRank seeks to optimize sourcing efforts and connect the right candidates with the right jobs faster.

Here’s how: 

Smarter matching:

Integrated with your tech stack, the AI-enabled MojoRank works to instantly match jobs with candidates across different sources. That means a visual overview that features the best candidates at the top of your screen, showing you who fits your open reqs.

Candidate prioritization:

You can dig into the jobs in progress and review the number of matches plus the number of hot matches, i.e., the people you need to call first. Helping you prioritize candidates through a color-coded categorization of hot, warm or cold, the platform makes it possible to focus your time – say it with me – more efficiently.

Streamlined sorting:

Taking prioritization a step further, MojoRank makes it possible to sort candidates by direct apply, active and passive, to help expand your sourcing pool without creating additional work.

Intel and shortlisting:

Hover over a candidate’s profile to see basic info. Like social links, their resume, application history and any notes associated with them. This also displays similar candidates who might fit the job. So you can create a shortlist to advance back through your ATS. 

Think of how many hours you could save, consolidating all those sources into one view. That puts the folks you need to be talking to front and center. How’s that for efficiency?

Learn more by requesting a demo


CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.