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Why Direct Sourcing and Talent pools will be the New Normal after COVID-19   “Never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that, it’s an… Read more

  Life of a Sourcer During a Quarantine As I always say, in recruiting you will face major ups and major downs. You will likely experience a roller coaster of… Read more

Fireside chat with William Tincup & Steve Lucas, CEO of iCIMS   So I’ve known iCIMS for like 170 years. They are a solid firm with wonderful technology and great people behind… Read more

The What, Why and How of Technical Talent Sourcing The unemployment rate for technical talent in the U.S. hit a 20-year low of 1.3 percent in 2019. According to a recent… Read more

  3 Things Top Companies Can Do To Hire More Women in 2020   “Women overtake men as a majority of the US workforce,” announced a headline in The Wall… Read more

Talent Technology Roundup – April 10, 2020   More Providers Dive into Virtual Career Fairs Since California issued its shelter-in-place order on March 19, recruiting technology providers have been quick… Read more

Talent Acquisition in Trying Times   The hiring landscape has changed entirely over the last several weeks, going from an extended period of low unemployment to unparalleled levels of job… Read more

How to Ace Candidate Interviews in a Socially Distant World While some companies rarely require onsite interviews due to security concerns, or because they are recruiting for remote positions, most… Read more

  Interseller: Strategies for Recruiting Outreach During COVID-19   Times are hard for everyone. Internal and external recruiting teams are feeling the pressure now more than ever. Whether your organization… Read more

  Talk The Talk, Walk The Walk   If you’ve won “Employer of Choice” award(s) and used said award(s) in your PR, marketing, recruiting, sales, and/or employer branding efforts, NOW is… Read more

The BIG Recovery


  The BIG Recovery   At some point in the (hopefully near) future, we’re going to think about what all we learned from our time during the global crisis that… Read more

  3 Steps to Developing a Successful Retail Hiring Strategy in 2020   With Covid-19 cases growing exponentially in the US, retailers are scrambling to deal with multiple challenges. From… Read more

  Last week I sent this email out to a group of industry friends. It was a lighthearted way to help folks cope with the stress of COVID-19. Since I… Read more

The ZapInfo update makes it even better!   ZapInfo has added some new features to their tool we’d like to show you! As we’ve discussed before, ZapInfo makes scraping data… Read more

  Job Boards Feel COVID-19’s Impact; New Recruiting Tech Gets a Boost    When 3.3 million workers file unemployment claims in a week, you know the recruiting world’s going to… Read more

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