I was speaking the other day to a friend of mine who happens to be a sourcer. We got into a conversation about searching on Google outside of your typical Boolean strings. Now I am one for creating a nice strong string to run against a req. But I am also the one to look for the most return with the least amount of NEW work. That’s when you need to know all the little tricks with Google to make your job easier.
In order to accomplish this I tend to read a lot and keep great notes as to my sourcing strategies for my business at that specific time. String searching, networking, text messaging… Whatever the approach was I track for results or my ROR. (Return on Recruitment)
Here are 3 very cool little recruiter searching tricks that do not involve full strings but will sometimes give you more bang for your buck. I find that I use these search techniques a coupe of time a week. Remember, as with any search technique you have to manipulate and run with the trial and error method. There is no one way.
The cache command is Google’s little time machine. Did you ever see a result that you want to find again but you did not bookmark the page? Try using the Cache search command. This will essentially allow you to search a previously cached version of an indexed web page.
The Info command is generally used when looking for specific points of interest for a particular web site or domain. For instance, if I am conducting some research on the “Comcast Corporation” and I enter the string below, I will get these results:
I get:
Google can show you the following information for this URL:
- Show Google’s cache of www.comcast.com
- Find web pages that are similar to www.comcast.com
- Find web pages that link to www.comcast.com
- Find web pages from the site www.comcast.com
- Find web pages that contain the term “www.comcast.com
Connect the dots and you can easily see why this search command can be worth while.
And finally I wanted to share with everyone the “related” command. The related command will search and display all of the websites found that are similar and/or related to the site you are researching. This will always pull sub divisions within a company, acquired companies, press releases etc. this search is relevant when you are performing due diligence on competitors or you are tracking down a publisher/speaker/blogger etc. and you are looking for related articles and organizations this person may belong too.
All of these Google tricks are meant to be part of a fluid recruiting process. If you get fluent in using Google and other search engines, these types of commands will come naturally to you. What that means is that you will find your candidates faster and be a better recruiter or sourcer. Please feel free to comment or suggest your own searching tricks as well!
By Noel Cocca
CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.
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