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A number of talent acquisition conferences are out there trying to get your attention. So which ones are worth attending? To help identify the best of them, we asked HR… Read more

Cappfinity announced a newly expanded suite of immersive virtual reality experiences designed to help talent acquisition leaders recruit and retain strong candidates. The new experiences are the latest addition to… Read more

We live in an era when we are being bombarded with information. The same is true for the recruiting section where potential candidates are overloaded with job offerings and career… Read more

Mastering the Process Total quality management (TQM) was in vogue during my undergraduate years and early career in industrial engineering. The U.S. was catching up to the Japanese in manufacturing… Read more

In my home country of the Netherlands, we see less and less ‘register to apply’ on corporate careers websites. In the most recent research of Digitaal-Werven (2019), only 11% of… Read more

In the digital age, employers no longer rely on newspapers, business magazines, or letters to reach out to their potential candidates. Instead, social media and third-party employment websites direct the… Read more

As a major connector between your company and candidates, you know the employee stories candidates need to hear. You’re ready to scale your messaging by investing in culture content that… Read more

Paul Maxin, previously Global Resourcing Director at Unilever, now talent acquisition consultant at MaxinTalent and advisor to the employee referral platform Real Links, gives us his insight into one of… Read more

Hello 2021, and so long 2020! I’m sure that I’m not in the minority when I say that 2020 was a very trying year. While it had a huge impact… Read more

3 Quick Tips on Email Deliverability Check out this video I put together with 3 quick email deliverability tips in just over 3 mins. SPF, DKIM + DMARC matter. (Some… Read more

To Link or Not To Link in Email? That is the Question There are mixed thoughts out there about whether or not you should include links in your email outreach…. Read more

3 FAQs About Spam Filters with Steven Lu Let’s talk about spam filters. Senders hate them, recipients love them, and everyone wants to know how to get past them. As… Read more

I recently read an article about ageism, and how companies are struggling to effectively manage it. A short time later I read about Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how it will… Read more

Work smarter, not harder. This new productivity mantra has become increasingly popular among marketers, especially since they can streamline a great portion of their work using some widely available marketing… Read more

8 Recruitment Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid Recruitment marketing refers to the whole process of promoting the value of a position at a company. It employs different marketing strategies to… Read more

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