Hiring for diversity is a high priority for 57% of talent leaders, eclipsing even the need to fill open positions, according to Findem’s 2022 Recruiting Trends Study. Diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) also ranked as the top trend shaping recruitment, and over half of the executives plan to hire a diversity leader this year. Despite DEI’s high priority, barriers continue to impede the recruiting process. Findem said candidate experience and interview process were named as the leading diversity.
While nearly three quarters of the employers surveyed have increased their investment in internal mobility this year, Only 22% plan to maintain the same investment going into next year, according to a study by Lever and Aptitude Research. About 84% of these companies are incorporating internal mobility in their talent acquisition strategy moving forward. One in two companies have higher turnover this year than last year.
Salesforce and Slack introduced Salesforce Platform for Slack, a toolkit that helps developers build custom Slack apps that pull key functionalities – like actions, automations and business insights – directly from Salesforce into Slack. The platform’s toolkit enables developers to easily build Slack apps that connect people across the business.
HiBob launched a one-on-one meeting feature that’s designed to allow mid-sized, multinational companies to consolidate manager-employee meetings into their Bob HR platform. The company said the platform will help companies to encourage more meaningful relationships. The feature contains five out-of-the box meeting templates for onboarding, goal setting, performance review, career growth and regular check-ins. Other templates can be created and customized or talking points can be added manually to a meeting.
Salary.com introduced the Plunkett Pay Equity Framework, which prescribes a six-step methodology for attaining and sustaining pay equity. This holistic view of pay equity facilitates a shift from pure market pricing to a broader pay equity approach to compensation. It also emphasizes how to achieve the transparent communication necessary to integrate pay equity into the corporate culture.
Employee screening technology startup Veremark partnered with Ferretly to offer AI-powered social media background screening. Ferretly analyzes posts and images across to flag social media posts for specific risk factors including bullying, self-harm, narcotics, violence, violent images and hate speech. Its social media checks are now available alongside Veremark’s range of employee checks.
Talroo and JobSync announced an integration that allows candidates to complete an entire application directly inside Talroo’s environment, which will save time by having completed applications delivered inside the ATS, and by increasing conversions.

Mark Feffer
Mark Feffer is executive editor of RecruitingDaily and the HCM Technology Report. He’s written for TechTarget, HR Magazine, SHRM, Dice Insights, TLNT.com and TalentCulture, as well as Dow Jones, Bloomberg and Staffing Industry Analysts. He likes schnauzers, sailing and Kentucky-distilled beverages.
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