Jackye Clayton|JoAnn Corely
Editor|Founder, CEO RecruitingDaily|The Human Sphere / JoAnn Corley Companies

#TechAdvisor *RT Queen of the #Recruit-osphere and #HRTech *Unapologetic #NASCAR fan|We help leaders gain a working knowledge of human behavior (the human quotient) to dramatically increase effectiveness.

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When I was a kid, I had a neighbor that said, “Honesty is the best policy.”  When I was in college, I had a professor that loved the term ‘think outside the box.’  When I worked for Verizon, I had a colleague that loved the term, ‘KISS’ (keep it simple, stupid).  So, what does this have to do with, well, anything? I’ll tell you – it has to do with everything when it comes to hiring and writing job descriptions.  Think about it. When you’re writing job descriptions, do you have a simplistic approach, a more “colorful” approach, or perhaps one that doesn’t highlight all the “true” aspects of the job? Are you thinking outside the box or just lying just to snag a hire?

Now, we all know (hopefully) that a big part of talent acquisition is describing the job to a candidate or at least some form of education where said candidate “learns” about a job. But how much DO they know? Are you, as a recruiter or hiring manager going to solely rely on written words to find the best fit for the job?

I should hope not. So, how do we go beyond the job description? How do we educate and inform our candidates without repeating the SAME THING over and over about a job? How can we be confident that our processes are not just informing the applicants, but keeping them intrigued throughout the entire vetting process and into on boarding? How do we hire BEYOND the job description to ensure that we’re actually flying and not (as Woody from Toy Story would put it) just falling with style?

This week on RecruitingLive we welcome JoAnn Corely, Founder/CEO, The Human Sphere / JoAnn Corley Companies. We’re going to discuss how hiring is so much more than written words and candidate education and really focus on:

  • Creative Hiring
  • Behavioral Aspects
  • Values
  • Culture Fit

and as always, there will be much, much more. Go ahead and fill out that registration box to the right and remember to follow along online using #RDaily. See you there!

The RecruitingDaily Podcast

Alexis Gingerella

Alexis is a contributing writer to RecruitingDaily and got her start in the industry with RD. She provides virtual assistant work and administrative support for many of the teams projects.


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