Jackye Clayton|Matt Charney
RecruitingDaily Editor * Recruiter *Thought Follower * Dr. Pepper Drinker * RT Queen of the #Recruit-osphere and #HR *|Editor in Chief @RecruitingDaily + @RecruitingBlogs. HR & Recruiting Nerd. Gangsta. My views are my own. And they're snarky.
Follow FollowEditors Note: We apologize that there was no video available. We do however want to share some key takeaways as well as articles that Matt has written about the various topics discussed.
Matt on Learning Agility:
“What SHRM calls ‘learning agility‘ I call ‘natural curiosity’.”
Translation: As defined by Bersin, “Learning Agility” is a competency or capability which describes a person’s speed to learn. In most businesses, this skills is considered one of the most important factors in great leadership. Natural curiosity is essential for recruiters to be successful.
Recommended Reading: Why Learning Agility Is The Only Skill Recruiters and Sourcers Really Need.
Matt on Candidate Experience:
“We are focusing SO MUCH on candidate experience, who’s actually doing anything about it?”
“Candidates expect a bad experience. We can make it better, but they will still not have a great experience.”
“If you really want to work on candidate experience, go talk to candidates. Then change things.”
“Candidate experience is a corporate social responsibility issue that no one can disagree with. Like fighting cancer.”
Translation: Candidate Experience is a buzzword that we hear regularly, but there is not much you can do to fix a candidate’s experience without finding out what will make the candidates experience better. The key is to strive to make the candidate experience better, but don’t expect them to love their job and be a vital asset to a company just because they were able to apply to a position in less than 5 minutes.
Recommended Reading: Candidate Experience by Design: Applying UX to Recruiting & Hiring.
Matt on Artificial Intelligence (AI):
“AI is an awesome concept – it’s the next big data. Bots are not AI & boolean doesn’t matter.”
“What is being sold as AI in recruiting is really decent natural language learning”
Translation: Real Artificial Intelligence would be great, but it just doesn’t exist yet. They only time we will have real Artificial Intelligence is when a computer does all of the work for us, and no one can tell that there was a computer involved. What we do have however is Machine Learning and Natural Language learning. This is when systems go beyond learning keywords to learn how people actually talk. This makes the search much easier. You no longer need Boolean because with available Bot technology, thanks to Microsoft and Facebook, you can create a bot to do it for you.
Recommended Reading: Why Artificial Intelligence for Recruiting and HR is Really Stupid.
Matt on How to Become a Recruiter:
“Don’t be a monolith – be a person.”
“Getting into recruiting is like swimming. You have to jump in and do it. Watch, ask questions, be annoying.”
“Be who you are. If you’re good and you care you will have enough deals and candidates.”
“I don’t love sourcing training – you have to DO IT.”
Translation: If you want to become a recruiter, there is no on size fits all training that will give you all you need to know. You can only learn by doing and as discussed previously, have a natural curiosity about how to do your job better.
Recommended Reading: From Good to Great: How To Become A Badass Recruiter
The RecruitingDaily Podcast
By Noel Cocca
CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.
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