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NPI No is a game-changer for recruiters that specialize in the healthcare industry. Sourcing healthcare talent has never been easier. All medical professionals and healthcare providers that meet the legal… Read more

  Sourcing Technical Candidates with HireFast   We’re looking at a new tool called HireFast. This is a tech-specific search platform, with software developer candidates pulled from GitHub and then… Read more

  Nymeria increases email finding abilities with StackOverFlow and   We are talking about the upgraded, new, and improved Nymeria! You can find Nymeria in the Chrome store. Now,… Read more

Recruiterly is a recruitment marketplace, directory, and marketing platform that connects employers and job seekers with specialist recruiters. It has a lot of capabilities, and we like it for a lot of different reasons. Let’s take a look.

  AllBiz is more than a business search engine.   We’re talking a new tool, new site called AllBiz. What this site does, is give you a business search engine. If… Read more

Get even more contact info through Lampyre using a phone number or email address! Lampyre is a data investigation tool that helps you find, compile, and analyze data. As part… Read more

You can source from anywhere. In this video, Dean Da Costa demonstrates how you can utilize PeoplePerHour for sourcing candidates.

Are you looking for coders and developers? Head over to Codersrank!   Lately we have been taking a look at a lot of different developer type sites, and we have… Read more

US Phonebook can find and validate contact information that you’re missing!     We have another site for you to use to find people! For all your sleuthing needs, US is… Read more

  Find email addresses with Kaspr!   We love these free Chrome Extensions, and we have another one for you to check out! This tool is called Kaspr, (yes, like the… Read more

  A quick example of how to find people using!   We have a new tool to go over with you! We are showing you a new site called… Read more

  Use Xlek as another free tool to search for contact information   We have another free people search tool for you to use. This site is called Xlek, formerly… Read more

Swordfish can help you use Facebook groups for sourcing   One of the biggest untapped resources for sourcing are Facebook Groups. There are so many of these groups available, and… Read more is a Cornucopia of Untapped Resources!   We’re going to take a look at this little website called This was created as a networking site for software developers… Read more

  Free Social Sourcing using PixLeads Extractor   We have another interesting and free social sourcing tool for you to check out! PixLeads is available as a free Chrome extension,… Read more

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