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Today’s recruits expect companies to offer an authentic look into the workplace culture and specific job roles. There is also a strong desire for many potential employees to find an… Read more

For hiring companies, the rules of engagement have changed. Compensation and benefits are not the only or most important cornerstones to successfully recruit new graduates. Potential employers are now being… Read more

Many business owners remember the Great Recession of 2008 and the resulting hiring freeze that contributed to the loss of over 8.7 million jobs in the United States. Recessions happen… Read more

Engaging and communicating with passive talent is the number one challenge for recruiters and talent acquisition professionals. a study by Sense and the Talent Board found. Some 42% of respondents agreed that… Read more

We asked CEOs and HR managers to share their thoughts on how you can speed up your interview scheduling.

There’s been an increased focus on diversity, equity and inclusion over the last few years and for a good reason – DEI initiatives have proven benefits. Benefits that impact people… Read more

According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 1.4 million computer science jobs in the country, but only 400,000 graduates each year. To bridge the engineering labor shortage,… Read more

It’s a question that seems pretty simple, but for some reason, people keep asking it: what do job candidates want? If you said, “A new job and a hiring process… Read more

As labor markets remain relentlessly competitive and economic pressures like soaring inflation show little sign of abating, it’s crucial for companies to be capable of attracting and retaining talent. HR… Read more

Social media platforms are mostly used by companies to reach their target audience and promote their products/services. However, did you know that social media platforms are also being used by 92%… Read more

According to NACE’s Job Outlook 2022 Spring Update survey, employers reported that they plan to hire almost one-third (31.6%) more new college graduates from the Class of 2022 than they hired… Read more

While remote work has become more mainstream in recent years, it is still a relatively new concept for many companies, and adjusting to this new work environment can be challenging,… Read more

While much of the discussion around text recruiting focuses on pre-hire, what happens after that? It’s well-established that employees have networks, personal and professional, chock full of folks with similar… Read more

Technical assessments are pre-employment screens for developer and engineering roles. A good skill assessment helps recruiters gain insight into a candidate’s ability to accomplish job responsibilities, programming skills (with languages… Read more

Let’s face it: finding a job is time-consuming, which is why the value of frequent, consistent communication during the recruiting process can’t be understated. When candidates get kept in the… Read more

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