Kruti Shah, Author at RecruitingDaily Industry Leading News, Events and Resources Mon, 06 Feb 2023 15:04:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 It’s Never Too Late: Recruitment Trends and Tips for 2023 Wed, 08 Feb 2023 15:49:00 +0000 Recruitment is a constantly evolving field, and staying ahead of the game is essential for success in today’s fast-paced job market. As the world continues to change, so too do... Read more

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Recruitment is a constantly evolving field, and staying ahead of the game is essential for success in today’s fast-paced job market. As the world continues to change, so too do the trends and best practices in recruitment. From the rise of remote work to the increasing importance of empathetic workplaces, it is more critical than ever to stay informed and adapt to the latest developments.

In this article, we will explore the key recruitment trends and tips for 2023. We will cover everything from the impact of the gig economy to the skills of the future and how to attract and retain top talent. Whether you’re a seasoned HR professional or just starting out in the industry, you’ll find valuable insights and actionable advice to help you succeed in the year ahead.

Let’s start with the first most expected:

Remote Workforce, A New Norm?

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to quickly adapt to remote work, and this shift has shown us that remote work can be a viable option for many organizations. As a result, remote work has become a hot topic in the world of recruitment and employment. At this point, it should be obvious. It’s a permanent fixture’, already mentioned by countless industry experts and studies. 

Advantages of Remote Work:

  • Increased flexibility and work-life balance for employees
  • Reduced costs for businesses (e.g. office space, commuting expenses)
  • Access to a larger pool of talent

Disadvantages of Remote Work:

Best Practices for Managing a Remote Workforce:

  • Clear communication and expectations
  • Regular virtual check-ins and team-building activities
  • Providing the necessary tools and technology for remote work
  • Establishing trust and accountability

The Gig Economy is Seeing New Heights 

The gig economy has been growing rapidly in recent years, and it is expected to continue to do so in 2023 and beyond. The gig economy refers to a labor market characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work, as opposed to permanent jobs. It’s going to be worth $445 billion dollars, with an average growth of 17% a year.

This trend has been driven by technological advancements, changes in the labor market, and the increasing desire for flexibility among workers. On the one hand, gig workers can provide companies with access to a flexible and cost-effective workforce. On the other hand, attracting and retaining gig workers can be challenging, as they tend to be more independent and have different expectations compared to traditional employees.

Lisa Johnson, Ecommerce Expert at Geeks Health says “To succeed in the gig economy, companies must adopt a strategic approach to recruitment and retention. This includes understanding the motivations and needs of gig workers, creating attractive and competitive compensation packages, and offering flexible work arrangements.

Additionally, companies must invest in technology and tools that support the management of a dispersed and diverse workforce. For example, a small business that needs a new website design can quickly find a freelancer with the necessary skills and experience on a platform like Fiverr. The freelancer can complete the project on a flexible schedule, and the small business only pays for the work that has been completed. 

This is a win-win situation for both parties, as the small business gets the work done quickly and efficiently, while the freelancer gets paid for their skills and expertise.

Skills of the Future and Their Impact on Hiring

The rapidly changing technological landscape has resulted in a shift in the skills that will be in demand in the near future. Understand the skills that are poised to become the most valuable. The development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and blockchain has resulted in the creation of new roles and an increased demand for certain skills. 

For example, data analysis and interpretation, machine learning, and cybersecurity are becoming increasingly important. Stay on top of these shifts in demand so that you can attract and retain top talent in your organization. You might even see job boards like ‘Hiring ChatGPT Prompt Engineers’, or ‘Hiring Dall-E Prompt Experts’. Simply, because that’s what’s likely going to be a trend, and a mode of work in the future. 

Jonathan Faccone, Managing Member & Founder of Halo Homebuyers adds “One of the best ways to stay ahead of the curve is to invest in reskilling and upskilling programs for your employees. This will help them to develop the skills they need to stay relevant in a rapidly changing workforce.” 

Additionally, encouraging your employees to attend workshops, conferences, and other learning opportunities will help them to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in their field. Professionals of all spheres, especially writers, programmers, and designers, are hiding away from AI, fearing the replacement of their jobs. Your job as an HR, recruiting manager, or organization, is to help them embrace these technologies, and motivate them to evolve their skills accordingly.

The Rise of the Entrepreneurial Spirit

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the way people view work and career development. The traditional 9-to-5 job model is becoming less appealing to many, and instead, a growing number of individuals are opting for a more flexible and independent career path — one that is often fueled by their entrepreneurial spirit.

Lachlan de Crespigny, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Revelo says “This rise in entrepreneurship has far-reaching implications for the recruitment industry. With more people starting their own businesses and seeking out freelance work, the pool of talent available to companies is changing.” 

Moreover, this new generation of entrepreneurs is characterized by a strong desire for work-life balance and a willingness to take calculated risks to achieve their goals. For companies looking to attract and retain top talent, understanding this trend and the motivations behind it is crucial. By creating a workplace culture that supports entrepreneurial endeavors, companies can tap into this growing pool of talent and benefit from the unique skills and perspectives that entrepreneurs bring to the table.

GenZ is Finally Taking Over Workplaces

The next generation is here and ready to take over the workforce. Meet Generation Z, the cohort born between 1997 and 2012, who are poised to bring fresh perspectives and new ideas to the table. They’re expected to make 27% of the workforce by 2025.

This generation is highly tech-savvy, socially conscious, and determined to make a difference in the world. As the oldest members of GenZ enter the workforce, understand their characteristics and preferences to attract and retain this talent.

GenZ values work-life balance, flexible work arrangements, and a sense of purpose in their careers. 70% of them actually say they’ll go find another job if you ask them to be full-time in-office. They are also concerned about the impact their work has on the environment and society. Companies that align with these values and offer opportunities for growth and impact will have a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining GenZ talent.

Federico Schiano di Pepe, Founder of Teachfloor says “To prepare for the next generation, companies need to think beyond just salary and benefits. Offering flexible work arrangements, professional development opportunities, and creating a positive company culture are key to attracting and retaining GenZ talent.” Additionally, companies can invest in reskilling and upskilling initiatives to provide GenZ employees with the skills and knowledge needed for the future.

AI and Automation To the Scene

In recent years, technology has revolutionized the way we live and work, and the recruitment industry is no exception. With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, the hiring process has become more efficient, objective, and data-driven. As a result, organizations are embracing these technologies to streamline their recruitment processes, attract top talent, and improve their overall hiring outcomes. However, with any new technology, there are advantages and disadvantages to consider. Let’s talk about benefits first. 

One of the biggest advantages of AI and automation in recruitment is their ability to eliminate human biases and provide an objective evaluation of candidates. AI algorithms can assess resumes, cover letters, and other candidate data without being influenced by personal preferences or unconscious biases. That can help to create a fairer hiring process and increase diversity in the workplace.

Moreover, AI and automation can automate repetitive tasks such as screening resumes, scheduling interviews, and sending follow-up emails. This can save recruiters a significant amount of time and allow them to focus on more strategic tasks, such as building relationships with candidates and improving the overall candidate experience.

Another advantage of AI in recruitment is its ability to provide data-driven insights. By analyzing vast amounts of candidate data, AI algorithms can help organizations to identify patterns and trends that were previously not possible to see. That can provide valuable information on what works and what doesn’t in the recruitment process, allowing organizations to make data-driven decisions to improve their hiring outcomes.

However, AI and automation are not a cure-all solution for recruitment. For example, they can lead to a reduction in human interaction, which can negatively impact the candidate experience. There is a risk of replacing human decision-making with algorithms that are not always perfect.

To get the most out of AI and automation in the hiring process, approach them as a complement to, not a replacement for, human judgment. By combining the strengths of human recruiters and AI algorithms, create a recruitment process that is efficient, fair, and people-centered.

More Empathy in the Workplace

There has been a growing emphasis on creating empathetic work environments. Empathy in the workplace is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It involves creating a supportive, caring, and inclusive workplace culture that values and appreciates the well-being and happiness of employees.

Empathetic work environments have been proven to lead to higher employee engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction. In contrast, a lack of empathy in the workplace can lead to burnout, decreased morale, and high turnover rates. Creating an empathetic workplace culture is a process that starts with leadership. Leaders must lead by example and create a culture of trust and support. This can be achieved through open communication, actively listening to employee feedback, and fostering a sense of belonging.

Another key aspect of building empathetic work environments is offering support and resources to employees. This can include offering mental health resources, flexible work arrangements, and opportunities for professional development and growth.

Brad Anderson, Founder of FRUITION says “Employee recognition and appreciation are also important components of creating empathetic work environments. Regularly acknowledging and celebrating the contributions of employees goes a long way in boosting morale and creating a positive workplace culture.”

Building a Truly People-Centric Culture 

As the competition for talent increases, creating a truly people-centric work environment has become more important than ever. A people-centric workplace prioritizes the well-being and satisfaction of employees and creates a culture that supports their growth and development. That type of work environment not only attracts top talent but also boosts employee engagement and retention, leading to higher productivity and success for the organization.

The consequences of ignoring a people-centered work environment can be significant. High turnover, low employee morale, and poor customer satisfaction are just a few of the negative outcomes that can result. Employees who feel valued and supported are more likely to be engaged and motivated, resulting in increased productivity and profitability for the organization.

To create a truly people-centric work environment, organizations must prioritize the following:

  • Empathy: Showing understanding and compassion for employees’ needs and challenges.
  • Work-life balance: Allowing employees to have a healthy balance between work and personal life.
  • Employee development: Providing opportunities for employees to grow and develop professionally.
  • Recognition and rewards: Recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work and contributions.

Embracing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Do we even need to mention it? 

As you strive to build a supportive and empathetic work environment, consider the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the recruitment process. In today’s world, it’s essential to create a workplace that values and respects the unique perspectives and experiences of all employees. People care about it now more than ever. That’s why companies release their DEI reports each year. 

DEI initiatives can help companies build a more diverse and inclusive workplace, which can lead to improved employee satisfaction and engagement, increased productivity, and a better bottom line. To get started, assess your current DEI practices and identify areas for improvement. This may include training and education for employees, implementing policies and procedures that promote equity and inclusivity, and actively seeking out and hiring a diverse workforce.

Incorporating DEI into your recruitment strategy will not only help you attract and retain a more diverse and inclusive workforce, but it will also create a workplace that employees are proud to be a part of.

The Final Say: What’s the Key to Building a Team that’s a Happy Bunch in 2023?

Building a happy and productive team is the goal of every company, and yet, it can often feel like an elusive target. But what if we told you that the key to unlocking this mystery lies in a simple phrase: care for your people?

When employees feel like they are part of a supportive and empathetic work environment, they are more likely to be happy and engaged in their work. They will trust that their company has their back, even in uncertain times, and they will feel more secure and committed to their job. So, how do you build a company that employees can lean on? 

Start by creating a culture of empathy, where employees feel heard and valued. Encourage open and transparent communication, and make sure employees know that you’re there for them, no matter what. They shouldn’t be worried about AI replacing them, or taking their jobs. They shouldn’t be worried about you downsizing, and leaving them out of the blue in the storm of massive layoffs.

Provide them with the resources and support they need to do their best work, and recognize and reward their achievements. Lead by example. Make your employees a priority, and show them that you care about their well-being, both inside and outside of work. When your employees feel happy and fulfilled, they’ll be more productive, more engaged, and more likely to stick around.

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9 Effective E-Recruiting Tools to Manage Your Hybrid Workforce Thu, 22 Sep 2022 16:00:00 +0000 A survey by Upwork reveals that by the year 2025—22% of Americans will be working remotely. The COVID regulations have influenced how organizations operate and carry out their routine practices and... Read more

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A survey by Upwork reveals that by the year 2025—22% of Americans will be working remotely. The COVID regulations have influenced how organizations operate and carry out their routine practices and recruitment is also one of them. Recruiting has become incredibly challenging in the post-Covid world and digital onboarding has become a reality. The traditional process of recruitment now seems to become more time-taking, engaging and less efficient due to changing needs of the time. Whereas, the need for a hybrid workforce has become a reality.

The traditional recruitment process doesn’t seem to suffice anymore. Between 2020 and 2021, 66% of recruiters confessed that hiring has become more challenging in the post-Covid world.

The good part is that recruiting can get the advantage of creative uses of artificial intelligence and the digital world as well as ground-breaking methods to unearth new talent. Recruiting becomes easier when you do it using artificial intelligence.

There are many advanced e-recruitment tools to ease the recruitment process and make it completely flawless rather than more efficient. E-recruitment tools— including digital assistants, applicant tracking tools, chatbots and more— are proven to be a competitive advantage when you reduce hiring costs and improve employee retention rates.

Tools For Your Hybrid Workforce

Following are the nine best and most highly-efficient outcomes of artificial intelligence as e-recruitment tools for a flawless e-recruitment process and management of a hybrid workforce.

Cammio Candidate Assessments

The recruiting of employees includes a huge cost and it becomes sunk cost if the hiring proves to be unproductive for the company. It is estimated that losing a highly efficient employee can cost up to $5,000—making the bad hires highly expensive. This makes the screening of candidates even more critical.

In this case, pre-employment testing is one way of reducing the vulnerability of falling prey to a bad hire. Sandra Rios, director of client services at Buzz Agency recommends, “Cammio is an efficient tool to screen job applications as it comes with the facility to test the work skills, emotional intelligence and personality of the candidates. It allows the companies to screen out the candidates who don’t live up to the criteria of the job while extracting the most potential pool of candidates to compete for a position.”

Mya — My Recruiting Assistant

Mya—stands for “My Recruiting Assistant” is an intelligent e-recruitment tool that facilitates human resource managers in the hiring process. It is basically a chatbot assistant that communicates with the candidates using text, email or Skype. Mya is a customizable e-recruitment tool that offers initial screening of the pool of candidates.

It shortlists the most relevant candidates’ profiles that go well with the recruitment criteria. It also analyzes the candidates’ profiles and ranks them according to their potential. Mya will also reject and pass on a candidate’s profile if the recruiter wants it. It is a private beta, for now, however, you can give it a try to decide on utilizing it for e-recruitment later on.


Pomato is an e-recruitment tool to find IT talent only. Its revolutionary technology examines a resume based on how well a candidate matches your job requirements based on skillsets, roles and level of expertise. It then ranks the pool of candidates as per the degree of efficiency and relevance.

Pomato converts a resume into a visual profile—offering you a 360-degree view – instantly. Mark Valderrama, CEO & founder of Aquarium Store Depot says, “If you want to hire IT, professionals, for your team—Pomato is the best tool for your company.”

All you need to do is to enter your job requirements to engage the Pomato matching engine. It scans all the resumes, scores the profiles based on skills and generates at-a-glance reports of the candidates to help you choose the most desired ones.


CVViZ is a highly-intuitive and efficient e-recruitment tool that is simple and user-friendly. It offers an AI-powered applicant tracking system that simply streamlines your recruiting process by smartly automating most of your hiring tasks. CVViZ completely transforms the hiring process and helps you hire the most productive talent.

It contextually comprehends the resumes and matches them to the job descriptions to take out the rightest candidate for the job using machine learning. CVViZ is integrated with the most popular recruiting websites across the world—allowing e-recruiters to post jobs on the paid or free job posting websites with just a click.


Creating an effective job listing is highly crucial in gathering a diverse pool of candidates. A job listing must be written in an engaging way to attract more candidates from diverse experiences, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds.

Joe Troyer, CEO & head of growth at Digital Triggers says, “Textio is a smart tool for writing unbiased job listings that helps your listings to be more winning.” It offers advanced language insights into your listing content that works well in pushing the passive candidates to apply. It also ensures that your job listings are inclusive and equally inviting for the genders.

The story didn’t end with bringing the most efficient employees onboard. Therefore, the simplification and efficiency of a hybrid workforce are highly crucial for the prosperity of any business today. The streamlining of HR processes allows organizations to focus on bigger things together.

Derek Bruce, operations director at Manchester First Aid Courses says, “GoCo is a vital investment for companies that are to hire a huge workforce to run their business operations. It digitalizes the HR processes that save up much time and resources and put things on the go. 

GoCo is a tool to streamline your HR workflow by bringing employee documents, records, time off and everything else into one place. It has a user-friendly interface that brings flexibility to perform HR tasks. It also allows you to send digitally signed offer letters to the selected candidates. You can also gather tax withholding information in a couple of minutes. It also has exciting features of a digital onboarding checklist and new hire packets for orientation that make the first day of your employees smooth and hassle-free.


The success of a recruitment process is nowhere if a company fails to retain and manage an employee well. Therefore, focusing on how your employees feel about the culture and experience of working in your company is highly inevitable.

“TinyPulse is a tool kit that has two tools allowing companies to survey employee engagement and performance. It reads how your employees feel about working in your company,” says Ellie Shippey e-commerce growth specialist, EZContacts.

It also looks after the privacy of employees and keeps their feedback highly confidential and completely anonymous. It makes the companies give due consideration to the experiences of the hybrid workforce that may include employees from diverse experiences, backgrounds and environments.

The role of psychology is perceived to be undermined during digital onboarding. There are many e-recruiting tools that remove this misconception. Interviewer.Ai is a cost-efficient AI recruitment software solution that utilizes psychology and machine learning to screen out and find top candidates based on the criteria of recruiting company.

It provides an unbiased assessment by observing the candidates’ complete body language and expressions during the video interviews. It also evaluates the soft skills and level of competence of the applicants to select the best candidates that the company must interview.

Interviewer.AI is a state-of-the-art video recruiting software that utilizes AI (Artificial Intelligence) to screen and shortlist candidates that meet the criteria set by the recruiter. Today, the HR teams rely on software to make the recruitment process more effective and shorten the hiring cycle. 

Toggl Hire

This e-recruiting tool works best for hiring employees for any department of a company.  It pre-screens candidates for the posts of engineers, managers, developers, marketers, sales, customer service agents or more says Myles Robinson, digital marketing expert at LoanCorp.

First of all, it seems the customized tests the potential candidates automatically evaluate them to assign them grades on the basis of what they are ranked. It takes out the most potential candidates for further screening and interviewing to reduce the hiring time and make hiring more effective.

Bottom Line

Digital onboarding and management of a hybrid workforce become more flawless and effective with the use of artificial intelligence. The e-recruitment tools can potentially eliminate the recruiting obstacles in today’s business environment. It helps in streamlining the hiring process and gathering a pool of qualified potential candidates.

It avoids talent leaks by reducing employee turnover. E-recruitment tools also make the hiring process speedier and less tiring. It offers visual reports to represent data in a more digestible way that helps the recruiters in making the right decisions.

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Recruitment CRM Software: Why You Need It Thu, 11 Aug 2022 17:00:00 +0000 To state that the recruitment process has been more complex than ever would be an understatement. With every job posting, there is a large pool of candidates trying their finest... Read more

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To state that the recruitment process has been more complex than ever would be an understatement. With every job posting, there is a large pool of candidates trying their finest to be selected as they put their best foot forward. Among all these candidates, the organization has to make sure that they choose the premier out of the applicants while also nurturing the relationship they share with the candidates to ensure that interested applicants will not hesitate before applying again.

However, to make sure that all these aforementioned goals are being met without overwhelming the staff, there is a need for the software to come in and cast its magic. That’s where the recruitment CRM software comes in handy. 

Is It Useful?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools are used worldwide to take care of the relationship with the customers by combining all the information and communication in one place. There is no need of using various software and databases as all the clients’ data can be stored and accessed by every worker in the organization.

CRM tools are very popular in the client-based business sphere. The popularity of CRM gave rise to the question of how many tasks could be simplified with the help of it and that gave birth to recruitment CRM (Candidate Relationship Management) tools.

In a nutshell, recruitment CRM software ensures that no resume is missed and that no candidate feels ignored. The whole recruitment process from the beginning to the end is monitored by using the sourcing tools to find the talent, track the application process and make sure that no one is out of the loop.

Now that we have glossed over the terminology, we can discuss the reasons why CRM software should be adopted into work environments.

Resume Management system

There is no specific way to make a resume and even though that gives the freedom of creativity to the candidate, it can be a painstaking process to go through those resumes looking for the desired skills for any recruiter.

To save time on that, a good recruitment CRM can actually parse the resume, find the keywords and extract the important details of the candidate for further processing. The resume parsing process can be complicated but is very efficient in going through the resumes and saves tonnes of time for the employees.

In addition to that, all incoming emails can be sifted through by the software to find the ones with resumes attached so that they can be uploaded to the database.

Lachlan de Crespigny, co-founder and co-CEO of Revelo says, “A good CRM should be able to support different kinds of files and should have high accuracy to populate the recruitment database. It is also beneficial to find the one that is not very pricey or claims to have an accuracy of up to 100% as that is not possible with varying types of CVs.”

Collaborative Hiring

Every company is working hard to find the top talent while also reducing interviewer bias. Therefore, a recruitment process is not a one-person job and thus, needs streamlined communication. For this reason, a CRM can help with recruitment by posting the job openings, keeping a track of the applications, updating the status and sending the responses to the candidates.

It is easy to leave reviews after a candidate’s response, mention the colleagues and leave comments if there is something to add to the process. It allows you to have the perks of engagement like social media without the need to share your data with third parties.

All of these updates are available to all the recruiters which let everyone collaborate on the tasks. The result of collaboration ends with a transparent hiring process which ends with making informed decisions.

We interviewed Steve Elliott, franchise owner of Restoration1 via email for his expert insights. He said, “With recruitment CRM systems, you can take collaboration to a whole new level by improving both internal and external communication. It’s much easier for everyone on your team to accomplish their goals when all of your clients’ data is accessible from a single platform.”

Automated Tasks

There are monotonous tasks associated with hiring which can be fully automated as a workflow. For example, if the candidate is scheduled for an interview, every person involved in the interview can be alerted once the interview is set and can have the slot booked in their calendars.

In addition to that, a Chrome extension can be used to source the resumes that interest the employer. As a result, recruitment CRM reduces the workload of manual data entry and various recurring tasks by automating them.

Blueprint for Every Worker

The hiring process for different teams can be created into blueprints to help everyone know how the process works. For instance, some teams might have two interviews with the candidate while another team has a test followed by an interview and this can be confusing for different team members.

Joe Troyer, CEO & head of growth of Digital Triggers says, “To prevent confusion among the recruiters, it’s best to have a blueprint for each position in the hierarchy. The blueprints can be created by making hiring pipelines in the CRM which can be accessed by the interested departments.”

Improves the Reach

All organizations are always on the hunt to find the most suitable candidate for their work. It can be quite puzzling to post to every job board and track each one to make sure that the process is going smoothly. However, most CRM provides the option of posting to multiple job boards with a single click. They have integrated the LinkedIn application feature for postings.

Reduces Paperwork and Brings Better Results

Can you imagine having to search through a stack of resumes to find the right person for the job? There is a good chance that you will not be able to locate the best option. Recruitment CRM software uses Cloud computing storage to store tons of data and saves the talent hunting professionals the nightmare of having to look through stacks of papers for the right candidate.

On the other hand, it is also very time-saving. It reduces the need for data entry as there is a hiring pipeline that is being followed. The results are mostly very accurate and this makes the tasks quite efficient. 

Vincent Amodio, founder & CEO of Icon Medical Centers adds to the piece, “Administrative tasks are important, but they take too much time and effort. Recruitment CRM has the ability to automate recurring processes, freeing up your time to focus on the things that are most important to you.”

Builds a Better Applicant-Employer Relationship

As it has been criticized in the recent past, many candidates do not wish to be left in the dark once the interviews are conducted. Even in case of rejection, they believe that they should be informed and in a better case scenario, be given feedback as to why they were not chosen for the particular job.

On the flip side, it is also understandable that an employer does not have enough time to send the response to everyone who applied. This could be simplified with the use of recruitment CRM. As the name suggests, CRM improves the relationship between a candidate and an employer by automating the process.

In the case that every candidate receives a response, they will know that they can move on to the next opportunity while the employer would also not have to do extra work to have a good impression. 

Helps with Market Research

It is true that 73% of job-seekers are seeking jobs passively. That means that a good-reputed company would be able to attract these candidates. When we use different job boards, it helps us to see which postings have been successful and as a result, how many of these candidates applied to the positions. It helps us with using different strategies to see which campaigns are successful.

Saves Operational Costs

With recruitment CRMs, there is no need for physical locations anymore. With most work being virtualized, it was high time that the hiring process got automated as well. Before the virtual influx of tasks, all the hiring employees had to get together physically to have an interview with the candidate. This was a demanding experience for employers as well as employees.

Antoine Boquen, CEO and co-founder of Horizons says, “With a virtual setup, there are no costs related to operation as there is no physical space needed to get the tasks completed. This allows for more budget for other recruiting-related tasks as having a good CRM costs significantly less than renting a working space.”


As the pandemic engulfed the globe, we all realized how important it is to find virtual solutions to our problems. The hiring process had to be virtualized along with every other task within the company. Filling a job seemed harder than before as there was no way to know whether the candidate could be a good fit or not.

As a result of this, recruitment CRM software is the cutting-edge response to the issues that are faced by businesses while hiring new candidates. Investing resources into a good CRM system brings hiring processes into alignment, which makes the hunt for new employees much more effective. As a result, your company will be able to add qualified and enthusiastic newcomers.

The post Recruitment CRM Software: Why You Need It appeared first on RecruitingDaily.
