Tigran Sloyan is the founder and CEO of CodeSignal, formerly CodeFights Recruiter, a platform that uses machine learning to help companies source, assess, and interview the best technical talent for their open engineering roles. You can follow Tigran on Twitter or connect with him on LinkedIn.
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How can your technical hires be more diverse?
It’s no secret that the IT industry has a talent shortage, but just how short the shortage, and how lacking in diversity the sourcing and staffing efforts have been, is… Read more
How gamification helps when sourcing coders
Two of every three companies of 250 or more employees the world over struggle to fill critical IT positions, according to Manpower. Smaller firms are faring a bit better, with… Read more
Curated Recruiting and Unconscious Bias
Unconscious bias is a pervasive problem in recruitment, since those who make hiring decisions based on these biases are unaware they’re doing so. While primarily designed to hasten hires and… Read more
Machine Learning, AI, and You: When Will Sourcers Be Replaced?
The answer to the question “When will machine learning replace recruiters?” is highly subjective. For hiring managers and recruiters who are adept at relationships the answer is never. For… Read more
Will inbound marketing work on technical talent?
Increasingly apparent to a growing number of recruiters and hiring managers is that traditional post-and-pray is no longer a workable plan for finding the right candidates. In fact, in its… Read more
So, Your Work Isn’t Scalable
What should you be doing as a recruiter? Most would answer this by simply shifting the word: You should be recruiting, of course. Makes logical sense. But recruiting and sourcing… Read more
Resume 2.0 (and the bias behind coding)
It’s nearly impossible to find the number of quality engineering candidates that you need by relying on old-fashioned recruiting tactics. Hopefully we all realize that by now. The next wave… Read more