IT Recruiting


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It’s nearly impossible to find the number of quality engineering candidates that you need by relying on old-fashioned recruiting tactics. Hopefully we all realize that by now. The next wave… Read more

The modern landscape It’s a jungle out there. Technical recruiting is perhaps more complicated than it’s ever been at any point in the legitimate global history of sourcing and recruiting…. Read more

Your opinion of millennials doesn’t really matter Do you like millennials? Hate them? Turns out that your opinion doesn’t matter all that much. Read More

I’m headed west next month to keynote at Lever’s Talent Innovation Summit. Last year’s Summit was kickass, and I’m intrigued to see how they continue to evolve and innovate both… Read more

Given all the recent chatter about Google after an engineer got fired for writing a diversity manifesto, it makes you wonder — what does a polarizing event like that do… Read more

Technical talent comes at a premium, and the market for skilled developers is going to continue to heat up. Traditional business models are being upended by software solutions. Take the… Read more

If you ask people where the money is in Agency recruiting, tech is where it is at. Well sure because tech jobs are the most difficult to fill and in… Read more

If we’re being honest, I must admit that I’m still reeling from last week’s HR Tech World Congress in London. This is perhaps the premiere industry event on our side… Read more

Given how hard it is to hire qualified developers and engineers in the first place, much less in Silicon Valley, where the laws of supply and demand for tech talent… Read more

Too many people throw way too much shade at recruiters. The fact is that most recruiters, contrary to popular belief, actually go the extra mile for their candidates and clients,… Read more

I haven’t been in high school for quite some time but I still remember wondering what I was supposed to do after graduation.  I figured I would go to college… Read more

There is perhaps no greater luxury in life as getting a massage once in awhile. I’ve personally always loved massages – I know, who doesn’t – but it’s a love… Read more

How to Recruit Engineers When You’re Not a Tech Company Once, the way to an engineers heart was a fat salary, a fatter pile of stock and a sleek new laptop. Today,… Read more

It’s only been about 100 days or so, give or take, that I made my inadvertent foray into the world of recruitment. Not that there’s really any sort of defined… Read more

There’s nothing worse than being rejected by a candidate – and don’t lie, it’s happened to all of us in recruiting, unless you just started last week or are somehow… Read more

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