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Are you tired of scrolling through endless news articles to find the information you need about a company? Look no further than BizNar! This website is your one-stop-shop for easy… Read more

We all want to do cold outreach easier. Nobody wants to spend hours hunting down the perfect candidate when you can just cold blast 1000 developers some outreach and see… Read more

The impact AI has had in the recruiting industry is getting ridiculous. With AI curating lists of potential hires and recruiting emails being crafted by AI, you have to ask…was… Read more

As technology continues to advance, it’s no surprise that video has become a more prevalent part of the recruitment process. Video technology is changing the way companies attract, screen, and… Read more

When it comes to software developers, GitHub is the holy grail of geeks. Everyone who’s anyone is on this platform, and a site you probably frequent if you’re hiring a… Read more

With AI reaching new heights in conversational prowess, written language, and even art…it’s no surprise that using ChatGPT for Boolean is quite effective. And, it can do it well. The… Read more

Seekout‘s platform has always been one of the industry’s leading bits of recruiting technology.  However, with its recent filter upgrade you can now breeze through candidate searches without having to… Read more

Hello, fellow creeps! Having trouble locking down those elusive contacts of yours? If you’re struggling to slap an email on to your incomplete info cards, then you’ve come to the… Read more

Swordfish has traditionally been a great platform and browser extension for accumulating phone numbers, but they’ve recently expanded their platform to even greater heights. Phone numbers have their place in… Read more

There are a lot of benefits to knowing the hierarchy of an organization. Yes, you could browse LinkedIn and do a bit of digging to uncover the web of roles,… Read more

Nymeria has been a great platform for contact finding and enrichment in the past, but as of today they just laterally expanded to include search capabilities. This brings Nymeria in… Read more

As a recruiter, you sometimes are tasked with some lofty, high level requisitions. Whether or not you’re already familiar with the process of hunting a unicorn, Dean Da Costa has… Read more

Dean Da Costa loves saving time at all costs. Optimizing his workflow is Dean’s passion, and he wants to share a tidbit with you on how to source social media… Read more

We love that the industry is gravitating towards a more equitable and honest display of people’s salary. Pay transparency comes with a certain degree of fairness towards both new employees… Read more

Sourcing and boolean go as good together as tomato soup and grilled cheese. However, it seems like when it comes to learning this conditional language, there’s a little bit more… Read more

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