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Beamery launched two new capabilities — Universal Skills Platform and AI Talent Match — designed to help employers leverage talent data in order to better assess the skills of their workforce. The capabilities, Beamery said, represent the first explainable AI capable of full integration with HR systems, skills taxonomies and role architectures. In today’s unsettled economy, Beamery believes it's becoming more and more important to upskill and reskill employees in order to close skills gaps. Citing McKinsey research, the company said businesses that realign their HR processes to match skills needs can increase employee engagement by half. At the same time, such realignment can raise productivity and cut training costs. On top of all that, organizations around the world face new laws and regulations covering the ethical use of AI, potentially disrupting deployment and adding to compliance requirements, Beamery said. To address such concerns, the company’s update of the Candidate...You've landed on a RecruitingDaily Insider exclusive!
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