In this podcast…

RecruitingDaily’s Bill Boorman pops into Dogpatch Labs, a cool office share and workplace for start-ups in Dublin, Ireland. Throughout its history Dogpatch Labs has been home to many of Ireland’s fastest growing technology companies including; Logentries, Boxever, Profitero, Intercom and CoderDojo.

Listen in as Bill discusses some of the biggest challenges outside the traditonal scope of recruitment trending on our horizon like how to capture candidates’ interest and what makes engaging content, boomerang hiring and alumni groups, and data and security along with the latest tech innovations in the market.

Resources mentioned in this podcast are:






Heard in this podcast:

BillBoorman_300x300_RD Headshot

Bill Boorman, Managing Director of Technology and Innovation, RecruitingDaily
I never wear a suit and I always wear a hat. I have a simple vision to make recruitment better for everyone. I work towards this by advising talent technology companies on their product road map, with V.C.’s over investments in the sector.
Twitter: @BillBoorman


Laura Ivers

Laura Ivers, Community Associate at CoderDojo

Laura is responsible for community support and engagement in various projects for the CoderDojo Foundation, the core team who support the global network of free CoderDojo computer programming clubs for young people.



DC Cahalane

DC Cahalane, VP of Growth at

In the last five years, DC has helped over 60 startup companies find funding, get themselves together and launch their first product all over the globe.



Helen Flynn

Helen Flynn, Cofounder and CTO at KonnectAgain

Helen works as CTO of a technology start up called KonnectAgain whose aim is to help users keep in contact with their alumni base using a simple platform that is constantly, automatically updated so they never lose touch again.



Damien Glancy

Damien Glancy, Cofounder of Clinch

Recognising that hiring is easier and cheaper when you have a pool of candidates to pick from, Damien wanted to offer companies a product that took the hard work out of developing that pool.

By Noel Cocca

CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.


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