Steven Rawlings

LGBT Inclusion Champion, seeking diverse skilled talent in all fields. Over 25 years of leading in all aspects of Global Talent Acquisition specializing in Sourcing and strategic talent forecasting and recruitment enablement. Please contact Steve at [email protected]

Content authored by Steven Rawlings

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What Recruiting and Sourcing Teams Can be Doing During Slow Times: Part 2


Clean Up Your ATS (I mean, for real. Or get one!) Get part 1 of what you could and should be doing during your downtime. What’s that, you say? My… Read more

Use This Downtime to Promote Your Employer Brand


In this suddenly slower hiring market, many companies have to justify not laying off members of their recruiting and sourcing teams. The temptation is to cut costs under the false… Read more

Being Mindful of Unconscious Bias


As a leader in talent sourcing, I am often asked to clarify how to eliminate unconscious bias while interviewing and to interview to cultivate diversity. Are we allowed to screen… Read more

Tech Recruiting Velocity in a Candidate Market: Part Three


Wrap It Up: Velocity in Tech Recruiting In the first piece of this trilogy, we discussed prioritization and the steps needed to help you shift into high-speed recruiting in a candidate’s… Read more

Tech Recruiting Velocity in a Candidate Market: Part Two


Agility and Velocity in Tech Recruiting Welcome to part two of a three-part series written to help you shift into high-speed recruiting in a candidate’s market. In the first piece… Read more

Tech Recruiting Velocity in a Candidate Market: Part One


The pandemic has proven that digitalization has been here all along. We simply needed to use it. With the sudden radical call for new technology to support hybrid and remote… Read more

From Plant to Animal: The Evolution Of Business


The Evolution Of Business From Brick and Mortar Rigidity to Athletic Agility Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, companies have defined themselves by their “Brick and Mortar.” Or, their… Read more

The Bat-Belt of Recruiting


Chances are, over the years you have seen the iconic superhero facing certain doom, while fire plumes all around him. The building falling to pieces, one hand clenched onto a… Read more

Virtual Virtuosos and the Masters of Virtual Work


For 25 years I have been finding top-performing, niche talent. Most of that time has been supporting global financial institutions along with several visionaries in fintech. I have sourced professionals… Read more

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