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For as long as I can remember, the most important thing for recruiters and hiring managers was just this one thing: your job title. If you were applying for a… Read more

Regardless of whether you’re looking to hire a single person, build a new team or plan your organization’s talent pipeline, job boards are the place you’d most likely start.  Despite… Read more

Leveraging LinkedIn for lead generation is ideal, especially for B2B startups. Not only does the platform provide many opportunities to network, but it also promotes content that’s geared toward professionals…. Read more

The reality we face, post-pandemic, is that many individuals feel far more willing to shift positions, seek out new challenges and change employment gears. Job seekers desiring a more flexible… Read more

LinkedIn has added internal mobility tools to its suite of recruitment solutions, with the aim of helping employers identify internal candidates for open jobs and employees find positions at their… Read more

Picture it: the recruiting industry, 2012. There are now 5 billion people with internet access. Instagram finally releases its Android app, giving at least half of those folks a new… Read more

From making your message stand out to building relationships you can tap into when needed, we asked hiring managers for tips on using conversations to source talent for roles you… Read more

LinkedIn launched new features for LinkedIn Recruiter meant to help companies improve the diversity of their candidate pools. Diversity Nudges alerts users when gender representation becomes unbalanced, and offers skills,… Read more

Automation platform CEIPAL launched Apply Connect, a new integration with LinkedIn. The business network included the product as part of its ATS Integrations offering, which enables real-time job-postings and a… Read more

The Next LinkedIn


What if there was an alternative to LinkedIn? Something that was more akin to Twitter, and less like the static resumes that either are fully baked or so scant you… Read more

With over 800 million users spread across 200 countries, LinkedIn projects a daily growth rate of two new members joining every second. Taking their exponential growth potential into account, the… Read more

LinkedIn Xray Search by Recruitment Geek lets you dramatically speed up your LinkedIn headhunting.  You can easily sift through this database of LinkedIn profiles by combining a host of candidate… Read more

WorkStep, a hiring and retention platform for the supply chain, raised $25 million in Series B funding. The investment brings its total funds raised to $42 million. The round was… Read more

Are you tired of waiting to be found on LinkedIn and want to revamp your profile to gain more visibility? It can be daunting to find buyers overlooking your LinkedIn… Read more

LeadGrabber Pro dons itself as “the world’s best B2B prospecting tool” on the market. It allows you to find contacts who match your model customer or candidate profile using various… Read more

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