Recruiting Industry Archives - RecruitingDaily Industry Leading News, Events and Resources Mon, 17 Apr 2023 01:30:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Plan With Fuzzy Data Tue, 18 Apr 2023 13:17:04 +0000 Industry 4.0.  It’s the latest industrial revolution beginning in 2011.  But fast-forward just a little over 12 years, and it seems like this newest movement has catapulted ahead. With the... Read more

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Industry 4.0.  It’s the latest industrial revolution beginning in 2011.  But fast-forward just a little over 12 years, and it seems like this newest movement has catapulted ahead.

With the sudden jolt of the global pandemic to the launch of ChatGPT, it seems as if we’re in a more mature Industry 4.0 – with every trade impacted, including human resources.

But what is at the core of Industry 4.0?  Data.  Big Data. Quantitative data. Nominal data. Qualitative data. Discrete data. Continuous data.

Data is extraordinarily helpful in understanding where we are and what needs to be done to get to where we’re going.

However, not all data is clear even with all the Industry 4.0 tools we now have.  Some data is, well, fuzzy. So, how do recruiters and HR professionals plan with data when it’s fuzzy? After all, what are the numbers telling us if they’re not crystal clear?

What Is Fuzzy Data?

Fuzzy data is essentially “[i]mprecise data with uncertainties which indicates that the observed values cannot be considered as the true unique values.” In other words, the data you may be using does not include “precise numbers, or vectors, or categories.”

However, most “real” data is not precise – or fuzzy.

Let’s look at HR and recruiters specifically.  According to a recent study, when examining Big Data, professionals gather insights around a “wide range of tasks solved by the personnel, both organizational, economic and technological.” However, with such large amounts of data – often surrounding people and their tasks and characteristics – we can’t always determine “true and false.” So instead, we look at multiple possible truths (or in other words, degrees of truth for each interaction, resulting in various possible (and reasonable) conclusions.)

How Can We Plan with Fuzzy Data?

Industry 4.0 has directly impacted HR – with some now calling this impact HR 4.0 – allowing the industry to become more automated and focused on high-level strategic strategies as opposed to manual, repetitive activities.

Through the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Big Data, technology stacks, and data analytics, recruiters and HR professionals can now build “more efficient and lean teams,” through attracting, retaining, and mobilizing top talent in this continually evolving industrial revolution.

However, not everyone understands how to pull insights from fuzzy data.  For example, if a manager asks specifically about productivity – but the number of successful key performance indicators (KPIs) don’t match up, then the data may not make sense.

That doesn’t mean the data is bad. It just may be fuzzy.  Someone who understands how to read HR data can specifically pull valuable insights from that data as opposed to someone who is only skilled in reading data while making true or false conclusions.

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when analyzing often fuzzy HR data:

  • Data often has to be read in “real time,” as the needs of HR change on a seemingly daily basis. So, knowing when to read this data is critical to garner insights that aren’t stale.
  • HR is often behind other departments in having the best (and the right) data analytical tools. Leaders need to reprioritize HR when analyzing Big Data, ensuring that organizational budgets align with needs and strategies.
  • Leaders must also prioritize reskilling and upskilling recruiters and HR teams, allowing them to garner the necessary skills for a strategic and insightful analysis of fuzzy data.

It’s time for HR to embrace fuzzy data with the right tools and support.  After all, what benefits HR benefits the organization as a whole – and it’s time to recognize that.

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Hiring Process: Tips for Recruiters on Conducting Background Checks Fri, 14 Apr 2023 14:09:52 +0000 Over the last ten years, several big companies have faced costly litigation relating to background check violations. Former applicants have sued them for allegedly violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act... Read more

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Over the last ten years, several big companies have faced costly litigation relating to background check violations. Former applicants have sued them for allegedly violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). These lawsuits have exceeded a whopping $325 million, affecting not only retail giants but also online behemoths.

As recruiters, being more vigilant when conducting background checks on potential hires is imperative. Background checks can be challenging but critical in the hiring process. If done correctly, they can benefit the company due to the following reasons:

Benefits of Conducting Background Checks

●       It strengthens security and safety

Employees with a history of severe criminal offenses significantly threaten a company’s safety, security, and integrity. Running thorough background checks can prevent bad hires from creating a hostile workplace and protect your business, employees, and clients.

●       It lowers the employee turnover rates

Hiring employees who aren’t suitable for the job can lead to wasted resources anSad energy. By running background checks, you can eliminate unsuitable candidates and concentrate on hiring the ideal candidate for the job, resulting in lower turnover rates.

●       It improves the quality of hired employees

Studies show that they exaggerate the credentials on their resumes, with some even lying or omitting information altogether. By conducting background checks, you can filter out candidates who provide fraudulent information and focus on those who present themselves with integrity. It leads to better hires, boosting your company’s operations and overall performance.

Importance of Conducting Background Checks

A background check is like a deep dive into an applicant’s history. It covers their criminal, employment, financial, and commercial records and can help you make smarter hiring choices.

Before making a job offer, background checks can identify red flags early on and avoid potential issues, such as increased turnover rates or legal disputes. Delaying background checks until after hiring is risky and can lead to hiring unsuitable candidates. Some organizations outsource background checks to professional screening companies specializing in this area.

How to Conduct Background Checks

Running background checks is crucial in hiring the best candidates for your company. However, applying best practices to prevent possible lawsuits and complaints is equally important. Here are some tips to help you:

1.      Partner With a Reputable Background Screening Company

When performing background checks on potential hires, following legal procedures and guidelines is essential to avoid lawsuits and complaints.

It’s vital to choose a screening company that you can trust to do a thorough and reliable job. Look for a company accredited by the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA),  as this will give you peace of mind that they adhere to high standards of excellence. These organizations went through a rigorous yearlong auditing process to ensure they’re adept in the following areas:

  • Legal and Compliance
  • Information security
  • Verification services
  • Researcher and data standards
  • Business practices
  • Verification services

2.      Validate Social Security Information and Address History

A legitimate social security number must match the name, address history, and birthdate on record. By conducting this inquiry, you can reveal any other aliases or unknown locations where an applicant may have resided. This process can help you discover criminal records under the applicant’s other names or addresses.

Investigating an applicant’s past residences can expose jurisdictions where you must dig deeper. It’ll allow you to discover undisclosed former jobs, violations, or civil cases that may affect their suitability. While this information may not necessarily mean the person is unhirable, verifying social security information can help you make an informed hiring decision and ensure peace of mind.

3.       Check for Criminal History

Recruiters are responsible for ensuring the safety of their employees and customers, and part of that responsibility involves checking an applicant’s criminal record. Negligent hiring can result in serious legal consequences for companies. By failing to investigate criminal records, the organization can be held liable for any harm an employee causes to their coworkers or company property.

Aside from the legal implications, running a criminal background check can also help ensure your employees’ safety. It can reveal an applicant’s violent tendencies or unsuitability for the work environment and job description.

However, it’s important to understand the current practices and guidelines created by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) before undertaking a criminal background check. Violating these guidelines can result in legal issues, such as asking for criminal history on an application form.

Hiring a reputable background check organization is best to ensure compliance with EEOC guidelines and avoid lawsuits. It can spare you the hassle and possible legal consequences of doing a criminal background check on your own.

4.      Conduct a Sex Offender and Us Terror Watch List Screening

During the background check process, recruiters should note that searching the US terror watch list for security, technology, or public sector roles is crucial. This list identifies individuals who are members of terrorist organizations, drug traffickers, and those under international watchlists.

In addition, it’s essential to include a sex offender registry investigation, particularly for positions of trust such as teachers, medical personnel, and childcare staff. This thorough check ensures that you’re hiring individuals with clean records and reduces the risk of potential legal and reputational liabilities for your organization.

5.      Ensure FCRA Compliance

Recruiters should know that a comprehensive background check must include checking applicants’ credit information. It can help mitigate the risk of fraud or theft in the workplace. However, it’s necessary to follow the FCRA guidelines to avoid any legal issues.

Moreover, knowing the state and regional laws concerning credit history checking is important. Colorado and California are some states that prohibit companies from using credit information in their hiring process. As a hiring manager, familiarize yourself with the laws in your area to avoid any violations.

Consider the Background Check Essentials

As a recruiter, it’s crucial to prioritize the safety and integrity of your company and employees. Conducting background checks on applicants can help you verify their qualifications and avoid potential risks, especially in the era of remote work.

To streamline the process, limit the background check to only what is necessary for the job. For example, checking an applicant’s credit history may not be needed for certain roles.

Compliance with national, state, and county laws is vital in completing background checks to avoid lawsuits. Consider working with an accredited background check provider for informed hiring decisions that align with your company’s values and needs.

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HCM Talent Technology Roundup April 14, 2023 Fri, 14 Apr 2023 13:39:22 +0000 Avionte unveiled its 24/7 MOBILE JOB BOARD, an application that works with the company’s 24/7 Mobile Talent solution to create a recruiting tool. The product allows users to search jobs... Read more

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Avionte unveiled its 24/7 MOBILE JOB BOARD, an application that works with the company’s 24/7 Mobile Talent solution to create a recruiting tool. The product allows users to search jobs by location, pay, skills match and job ID. Additionally, recruiters can configure talent workflows and candidate experiences directly on the platform to fit unique use cases for both talent and employers

Talent acquisition software company Radancy acquired Ascendify, a cloud-based talent engagement software platform. According to the company, the acquisition enhances Radancy’s suite of solutions focused on helping enterprises find the talent they need to strengthen their business.

Comeet, a recruiting software provider, launches a new AI assistant that aims to enable better hiring decisions, improve candidate experience and promote diversity and inclusion. According to the company, the solution leverages OpenAI’s GPT to create job descriptions, pre-screening questions and email templates. In addition, the company said the assistant will soon be able to make interview questions and scorecards.

Oyster announced Oyster Total Rewards, a new suite of solutions meant to help companies design a compensation strategy and offer salary, equity, and benefits for teams. The company said the solutions are competitive, compliant, aligned with budget and—most importantly—aligned with employee expectations.

HireRight acquired a background screening provider based in Argentina. The company said this will Inquiro Vitae allow for more targeted local support for its customers hiring across Latin America.

Launched as the U.S stands on the precipice of recession, the Conference Board Job Loss Risk Index measures the likelihood of layoffs in individual industries, based on factors such as demographics, labor shortages and sensitivity to monetary policy. The Index measures the likelihood of layoffs in individual industries based on several key factors including demographics, labor shortages, and sensitivity to monetary policy.

Likewise, a pullback in e-commerce and discretionary spending on goods is likely to cause job losses in transportation and warehousing, while construction is at risk due to weakness in the housing market amid rising interest rates.

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6 Cybersecurity Threats Targeting Recruiters Fri, 31 Mar 2023 14:00:04 +0000 IT departments in all industries are concerned about hackers dialing into company records and targeting employees, driving new pushes to secure data. Recruiters may be particularly vulnerable. It makes sense... Read more

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IT departments in all industries are concerned about hackers dialing into company records and targeting employees, driving new pushes to secure data. Recruiters may be particularly vulnerable. It makes sense for cybercriminals to target businesses that rely on their cloud-based systems, which means protecting recruiters is more important than ever.

Who Is Most Targeted by Cyberattacks? 

A recent Cisco study found that 86% of companies had at least one user attempt to connect to a phishing site and 48% found information-stealing malware on their systems. It makes sense that industries that store a lot of sensitive information for their users are highly coveted by cybercriminals. 

If you want people to entrust you with their personal details, they must believe you’ll protect their sensitive data. Knowing what the common threats are can help you avoid an incident and subsequent crisis control measures.

1. Phishing

Phishing is one of the most common ways companies get hacked — an employee clicks on a link and is sent to a site with keystroke tracking or downloads malware. Train your workers to never click on links in emails, even if the message looks official. They should always go directly to the website address. 

If an employee is uncertain, they should contact the person who supposedly sent the email via another form of communication, such as a phone call or text message. While some links are okay and sent by legitimate contacts, many are unsafe — especially those sent to recruiters, who often work with new or unfamiliar people. 

2. Connected Devices

The world is more connected than ever before, with billions of devices tapping into the Internet of Things (IoT). Every device connected to a network via IoT creates another potential vulnerability. 

Ask workers to download the latest virus protection and put security policies in place to avoid opening your data up to hackers. Even simple apps that workers may have downloaded on work devices can create havoc. One example is WhatsApp, which compromised the information of 1.5 billion users when hackers installed software and accessed personal data. 

Be aware of how your staff taps into the IoT and how it might impact your network if they access your databases on the same device. 

3. Surroundings

A lack of awareness can create a situation where passwords and other sensitive data fall into the wrong hands. For example, imagine a remote employee goes to a nearby coffee shop and logs into the system. If they aren’t careful to protect their login credentials, someone could learn how to easily hack into the system. 

By the same token, users should only access the system on secure networks. Accessing sensitive information on a public network at a hotel or public library Wi-Fi will require more safeguards than the average person utilizes.  

4. Camera Hacking

With more people working from home, virtual meetings have become more commonplace. Unfortunately, a new threat to security is camera hacking. 

The hacker gets access to the computer’s camera when the user downloads a virus via phishing or unsecured networks. The cybercriminal now can listen in on video conferencing, learn insider secrets and gain valuable data. Users may not even realize they’re being spied on.

The best way to protect yourself from this threat is to ensure antivirus software is kept updated and run regular scans on the system. 

5. Ransomware

You’ve likely heard of ransomware and big corporations paying millions of dollars to stop the attack and get back to business. The issue with paying cyberterrorists a ransom is that it breeds more of them and encourages criminals to attack other brands — big and small. 

The number of cyberattacks has increased since the pandemic. It’s tempting to just pay the ransom to regain access to your network, but there’s no guarantee you’ll actually get your data back. Hackers can also keep customers’ private data or dox them. 

Before you face a situation where hackers demand payment, establish a policy for how you’ll handle ransomware. If you’re regularly backing up your site, you might choose to shut things down and restore it back to normal. The best policy is to prevent the attack in the first place, so spend time shoring up your firewalls and security policies. 

6. Disgruntled Employees

Unfortunately, you might run into a situation where a former employee put in backdoor access to your system or still has login credentials. If they were fired or left on bad terms, they might want to do maximum damage to your company’s reputation.

They might sell the login information to hackers or steal information and form their own recruiting agency. Make it a policy to shut down access before letting an employee go. If they give notice, immediately turn off their access to databases and other sensitive details. Regularly change passwords for systems. Review who accesses your systems each day. 

Create a Cybersecurity Policy

The threat of hackers grows every year as more people work remotely and companies do business increasingly online. Your first step to ensuring you keep user data safe is to create a cybersecurity policy.

When your employees understand the best way to protect sensitive information, it’s much less likely data will fall into the wrong hands. Protect your customers and employees from cybercriminals by shoring up your policies before cyberthieves slip through any holes in your security.

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HCM Talent Technology Roundup March 17, 2023 Fri, 17 Mar 2023 13:02:45 +0000 Ceipal launched an advanced and comprehensive package of features designed to automate the entire talent acquisition lifecycle. The company said staffing organizations with five to ten recruiters can gain unlimited... Read more

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Ceipal launched an advanced and comprehensive package of features designed to automate the entire talent acquisition lifecycle. The company said staffing organizations with five to ten recruiters can gain unlimited access to its advanced automation capabilities including key ATS features, AI for recruiting, text recruiting, business intelligence and reporting and advanced CRM tools in a single bundle.

Skills intelligence platform Glider AI closed $10 million in Series A funding from Primera Capital and other industry leaders. The company said it will use the funds to continue its expansion in contingent programs and permanent hiring, further development of proprietary technology and grow its global team.

Hireology rolled out a new integration with Indeed, further expanding the companies’ partnership. The integration will allow Hireology customers to drive more relevant job applicants from Indeed, the company said. With it, all new or updated external jobs created in Hireology will be sent directly to Indeed via an XML feed, ensuring that an employer’s up-to-date job content is automatically available in Indeed’s free search results.

Interview company Karat acquired Triplebyte’s technical assessment product and its team. The acquisition adds a top-of-funnel, skills-based assessment to Karat’s suite of Interviewing Cloud offerings, helping organizations identify and hire technology professionals more quickly, more accurately and fairly. Triplebyte’s sourcing business, Magnet, and its candidate talent network will wind down effective March 31. Karat will anonymize the underlying data for analytics purposes.

Tundra, a direct source curation provider, and integrated workforce management platform provider Magnit said they’re to create what they say will be the world’s most scalable direct sourcing solution. Through their partnership, Tundra and Magnit will provide a total talent solution that streamlines the contractor experience, without the need for alternative channels.

Recruiting still holds promise for 2023 despite layoffs and cost-cutting by companies, according to a recent report by Gem. The 2023 Recruiting Trends report found that 24% of recruiting organizations saw reductions in force in the last half of 2022—but 33% of smaller organizations and 54% of larger organizations saw recruiting team growth. In fact, 75% of talent acquisition professionals at smaller organizations and 70% at larger organizations said that they expect the headcount at their companies to increase in 2023.

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Transform 2023: Let’s Change the Future of Work, Together Wed, 08 Mar 2023 20:00:48 +0000 The HR technology conference Transform, formerly HR Transform, will take place March 27-29 at the MGM Grand Las Vegas. As they said, this event is not “just another HR conference,”... Read more

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The HR technology conference Transform, formerly HR Transform, will take place March 27-29 at the MGM Grand Las Vegas. As they said, this event is not “just another HR conference,” it will deliver thought leadership and innovation to help us all shape the future of work. Transform also promises to “inspire a broader global leadership audience, foster deeper connections, and spark more impactful innovations.”

Better yet, we’ll be there too! We’re excited to see you all live and in-person!

So, What Is Transform 2023?

Transform 2023 is the premier global event for people-driven leaders, entrepreneurs, and workforce tech investors to shape the future of work. With more than 300 speakers and 100 interactive sessions, Transform 2023 will feature:

  • Three days of powerful content
  • Innovation showcases
  • Probing conversations
  • Hands-on learning experiences
  • After-hours networking

Attendees believe the workplace is not just a set of business problems to be worked out. There are social and even philosophical challenges to consider as we collectively chart the course for the new world of work. Being advocates for that shift in philosophy, and finding allies in that effort, is what makes Transform 2023 a unique event.

Learn and discuss diverse people-driven business transformation topics, including:

  • Talent Acquisition
  • DEI
  • Cloud-based and hybrid teams
  • Learning and development
  • Retention
  • Total rewards innovation
  • Workplace experience design
  • And more

Transform 2023 is not just another HR conference. It provides an opportunity to see cutting-edge innovation and companies that are fostering relationships and human connections, mobilizing companies to do good, and transforming the workforce and workplace.

Why Should You Be There?

It’s an opportunity to meet, learn, and discuss new strategies for the workplace and workforce with industry leaders from some of the world’s most notable people-focused WorkTech companies. Join the more than 3,000 people that will attend the events and conference over the course of the three-day event. You’ll be able to engage with business and people leaders, entrepreneurs, and investors.

A number of companies – including some big names in HR Tech and recruiting spaces –  will be in attendance as well as a lineup of over 250 innovative thought leaders. Some stand-outs include Jeff Diana of Calendly, Greenhouse CPO Donald Knight, Heather Dunn of Gem and more.During the event, a variety of sessions will be available from workshops and training to product showcases, all about changing the future of work for the better.

We’re excited for:

  • “Prioritizing Inclusive Hiring to Win in an Evolving Talent Marketplace,” a session featuring talent acquisition and recruiting specialists Israel Gutierrez from Axios, Greenhouse’s Ariana Moon and Elizabeth Shober of Udemy.
  • “Talent Pixelation: Continuous Fragmentation of Talent Supply” which discusses how pixelation can help organization to reduce costs and increase efficiency.
  • “Roundtable: Expanding & Diversifying Candidate Pools with Distributed Hiring,” a discussion on the latest trends in distributed hiring and how to leverage organizational data, hosted by Datapeople.
  • “Should I Stay or Should I Go: Doubling Down on Internal Talent” with Idealis Advisory’s Founder and CEO Sumona De Graaf and David Landman of Goldman Sachs.

Special Offer: Save $200

Join us March 27-29 at MGM Grand in Las Vegas for meaningful connections, impactful innovations, and deep conversations that will continue to shape the future of work all year long.

Recruiting Daily readers and members can take advantage of a special offer. As an official media partner, we are pleased to offer a $200 discount for attending Transform 2023 events.

Learn more about Transform 2023 and sign up for this special offer for Recruiting Daily readers and members.

Recruiting Daily is proud to be an official media partner for Transform 2023.

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Empowering Women: Reflections on Leadership Journeys Wed, 08 Mar 2023 14:46:53 +0000 International Women’s Day is an important moment to reflect not only on the women who helped shape our leadership perspective but also on the personal journeys which made us the... Read more

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International Women’s Day is an important moment to reflect not only on the women who helped shape our leadership perspective but also on the personal journeys which made us the authentic, impactful leaders we are today.

There are no shortage of challenges for women in the workplace. Those challenges multiply as you consider intersectional realities. My personal belief, however, remains steadfast:  challenges provide opportunities for people of all backgrounds to demonstrate the resolve, faith, and empathy that empathetic leadership requires.

As a neurodiverse woman with physical disabilities, my personal journey to “find the silver lining” through a traumatic health event was not easy. It took time, mentoring, soul-searching, and an open mind to realize the gift of the moment. Making friends with the problems in your life, repositioning the “difficult” to be seen instead as a once-in-a-lifetime catalyst changed my perspective. I’d like to share with you some of the tools I’ve cultivated along the way as well as some really great advice from some impressive leaders.

Respectfully Bold, Boldly Fearless

My mentor Brian Fink wrote a sentence that I’m stuck on – The Plight (an unfortunate, difficult, or precarious situation) of Women – The fact that we must act a certain way to be considered or perceived as professional. Leadership advice is often provided from the male point of view – to be seen as a strategic councilor, you must speak up. To be seen as credible, you must speak loudly. To be seen as influential, you must leverage your power to influence the room… unless you’re a young female. I am not the first to tell a group of women the rules are different for us. If we act like women, we are lacking “leadership traits”. If we act like men, we are “abrasive”.

My first job out of college I was fired for unprofessional behavior. I remember it well. I just landed my first big-ticket sale as the newest hire on the Sales team, (A big deal for a new intern turned Account Manager!). My team was comprised largely of men who had 10 years more experience than me, and one sole woman – (shoutout Simone Goga for her mentorship very early on in my career).

I was so excited – until the senior leadership team decided to take my win from me and give it to one of my male teammates who had more experience. The customer inked the service agreement with me face-to-face, and the lead source was the President who had reached out to me directly on LinkedIn (and signed the agreement because he wanted to work with me). I couldn’t understand the reasoning behind this decision. And as a person of integrity and one who seeks to learn, I took a risk. I respectfully challenged the decision and was fired for unprofessional behavior. That early lesson taught me that being a person of integrity, and surrounding yourself with honest leaders who want to grow the business, not uphold the status quo deeply matters to me. I learned early on to be selective with whom I learn from, and where I choose to offer my time, perspective and energy.

As I work to create more equitable spaces through my leadership and mentorship, I have leaned on some really impressive mentors to help shape my ability to turn the worst days into fuel for the best days: conviction, authenticity, and trust.

Kateryna Keretsman, Vice President Global Business Development, Rossum.

As an embedded Global Talent Partner for Elements Talent Consultancy, I had the pleasure of meeting Kateryna Vice President of Global Business Development at Rossum. Kateryna was super challenged with having to hire her team across brand new markets in US and EU but despite my lack of experience in some of the key cities, she saw the potential in me. I had a clear strategy for how to win talent. She believed in me and helped me believe in myself. 

Fast forward to June 2022, I was invited to spend a few days in Prague to see the office and meet the team. I got to work with her, the Business Development Managers (BDMs), and the Business Development Representatives (BDRs). I was invited to Prague to meet the complete department I was brought in to help grow. It was an unforgettable experience and accomplishment for me to say the least.

Most of the best things I have in my life started off as fears I forced myself to face. Kateryna is bold, driven, respected, and a woman of her word. She is an inspiration I look up to, and I hope to one day rise to her level. I look forward to the next chance I get to see her again. She taught me many things, but mostly that gender and experience aside, badass bold women can get to leadership seats  – not as pretending to be men, but by being our badass female selves. If you have a moment, I encourage you to read her recent article.

Annalisa Esposito Bluhm – Vice President, CEO and Leadership Communications, Northrop Grumman.

Growing up in a large, first-generation Italian household has many benefits. One is the closeness you enjoy with your family. Annalisa is not only just a cousin, but also a close mentor. Her ability to leverage her intersectionality as a neurodivergent, first-generation American, first-generation college graduate and single mom is powerful and fueled by her unfailing ability to be her authentic self.

From the kitchen to the board room, she never flinches when it comes time to give an honest opinion, a respectful counter-point of view or a big hug. It’s what moved her from intern to C-Suite before 40, and continues to motivate her to be a mentor to others.

Above all, Annalisa believes firmly in meeting people where they are with empathy, respect, honesty and humor. She can speak to anyone, at any time, on any topic, and leave you feeling like the best version of yourself.

Jenny Cotie Kangas  Director Talent Acquisition, Employer Branding and Awareness, PandoLogic.

Man, I could write pages on why Jenny is my idol. I’m going to try my best to be concise, but this lady right here deserves her own talk show. She is my Oprah Winfrey.

If you take a look at her LinkedIn profile or go listen to her podcast, she summarizes her brain injury in a cataclysmically professional and concise way.

Jenny changed my life at the Talent Acquisition Week conference in Coronado, California February 1st and empowered me to look at my circumstances through the most positive lens.

Jenny and I don’t have the time or experience together that typical relationship-building requires, but that’s what makes her so special.  She has quickly shown me and told me “Trust is transitive.” Experience, excuses, and masking who you are to appease others is the exact opposite of Jenny’s mantra.

Her bravery to share her journey – that of always having been a catalyst and then surviving a freak accident that made her into an even better catalyst than she already was, is perfectly aligned with my own desired outcome. Jenny told me the other day, “See, amazing things happen when you quiet the voice telling yourself you aren’t worthy. You are 100% worthy of great things, Cristina.”

Another tip she shared and I believe you all deserve to hear, “Lesson: figure out the thing you desire, and reverse engineer outside-the-box ways to get it. There is almost always a path.”

I’m following her lead and taking the steps to share my superheroes’ journey with you all soon.

Jenny says self-care isn’t a nice to have, it’s a need to have. That is the same for me. Women’s health, mental health, neurodiversity, and DE&I matter. We all matter.

Side note – for a shameless plug – Huge thank you to Amy, Luke, Daniel, and my whole tribe over at Elements Talent Consultancy for sending me to represent us at such an incredible event like Talent Acquisition Week.


If you are or have ever questioned your self-worth as a woman or a human being, or your professional brilliance, or your problems resulting from being a super hero then you are not alone. We are with you.

I encourage and empower you all to make friends with the problems in your life. Connect with women and shoot for Leadership yourself as your goal. We are Leadership Worthy, just as we are.

Keep going. Keep pushing, keep striving, and keep believing in yourself. Never underestimate yourself and look for those other women who will help provide a steady hand on your back to push you forward

Thank you for listening to my story, and happy International Women’s Day.

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Despite Inflation and Layoffs, These Industries Will Continue Hiring Tue, 17 Jan 2023 14:42:00 +0000 Trying to get to grips with the current job market may feel like understanding the current weather. All we know is that it is becoming more and more extreme. Massive... Read more

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Trying to get to grips with the current job market may feel like understanding the current weather. All we know is that it is becoming more and more extreme. Massive storm surges, arctic bomb cyclones, and possibly a record-breaking hurricane season ahead.

You’ve weathered a few intense storms recently, and so have your clients, time to look for a few places of calm and safety, a storm bunker for your career. With talk of a possible recession, which we’ve endured before and have a few suggestions for here, it’s good to have a few other options you can turn to if you fall foul of the imminent layoff switch.

Here are industries that are sure to continue hiring this year despite the economic uncertainty, either as a recruitment professional in the industry or for a career shift.


As long as we continue producing mini humans, educators will be in high demand even with the lowering birth rate. However, many schools face the reality that teachers are resigning and moving away from the education industry. This creates opportunities for those wanting to move towards a more stable career.

A positive for those looking for teaching jobs is that due to the high numbers of resignations, schools find themselves in a position where wage negotiations favor the candidate, as there is a desperate need to fill empty positions with quality candidates.

It’s safe to say that the potential tidal wave of layoffs won’t reach the safe harbors of education, especially in the younger grades.

Health Care

The medical field has grown in leaps and bounds over the last few decades, and with considerable improvements in treatments and medications, you would think that doctors and pharmaceuticals would be doing themselves out of a job.

The reality is that we are still hugely dependent on the health system to keep us fit and flourishing. The doctors, nurses, specialist assistants, and the many people who make up the health system are under massive pressure to provide health care to the growing population. This industry will see substantial recruitment growth over the coming years and can be seen as recession-proof. Opportunities for team leaders, assistants, and administration staff, not just doctors, are in high demand despite economic uncertainty.

State and Federal Government

“It was very intentional that we decided to make strengthening and empowering the federal workforce the first of our PMA (Presidents Management Agenda) priority areas,” Office of Management and Budget Deputy Director of Management, Jason Miller.

Positive changes are coming to state and federal government employment, and a renewed effort is going into the recruitment processes and job satisfaction of government employees. Switching industries from your current and potentially non-recession-proof sector to government employment is a worthwhile venture.

The option of hybrid and remote work is becoming more commonplace. With the stability a government job offers, especially in times of inflation and recession, it might be worth considering.

Embrace the Side Hustle

Being subject to a sudden layoff doesn’t necessarily have to lead to an in-depth search for a replacement full-time employment role.

Why not Juggle the side hustles? Remote work and the side hustle are becoming commonplace. While possibly re-establishing your recruitment work freelance, add a side hustle or two or three and own your work-life flexibility.

There are many opportunities that don’t require full-time commitment but allow you to earn an income while re-building your primary career. The side hustle could be related to recruiting or devoid. It’s your choice.

Look to New Opportunities

Applying your recruitment and sourcing skills in more recession-proof industries is possible. It can be exciting to turn the disappointment of losing or potentially losing your job into an opportunity for positive change and upskilling.

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Your 2023 Recruiting & HR Events List Mon, 05 Dec 2022 18:00:50 +0000 Looking to register or attend a recruiting or HR event in 2023? Well, this list was made with you in mind. Also, if you’re thinking, “Crap, it’s too late.” This... Read more

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Looking to register or attend a recruiting or HR event in 2023? Well, this list was made with you in mind. Also, if you’re thinking, “Crap, it’s too late.” This a friendly reminder that it’s never too late. There’s still plenty of room. Some events are free, and others are completely virtual. Take your pick or picks of the litter.

Don’t want to wait? We have an event for you this week, Wednesday and Thursday to be exact.  Save your spot for HRTX December today!







  • Future of Work USA, June 6 – 7, Chicago, IL 
  • SHRM23, June 11-14, Las Vegas, NV
  • HRTX Virtual Q2, June 22
  • #HRTX Live, June 2023, Johannesburg, South Africa







  • HRTX Virtual Q4, December 1
  • 12 Days of Sourcing, December 2023 (Also, don’t miss this year! Register now.)

Attending any of these events in the coming year can give you the new perspective you’ve been seeking. But, more importantly, it will allow you to learn from industry-leading experts and get familiarized with the latest in HR tech and vendors.

See you out there!

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11 Tips for How to Write a Job Posting That Recruits For You Tue, 29 Nov 2022 19:12:32 +0000 Job postings are an art that’s hard to master between getting the details across while keeping it and trying to attract the right candidates to apply. To help you craft... Read more

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Job postings are an art that’s hard to master between getting the details across while keeping it and trying to attract the right candidates to apply. To help you craft a job post that stands out and draws in the best candidates, we asked executives and recruiting leaders for their best insights. From highlighting special job benefits to relying on your humorous take on the role, there are several tips that may help you write the perfect job posting that would naturally draw high-quality applicants to the role being offered.

Highlight the Special Benefits the Job Offers

Highlight the culture and special benefits the job offers rather than the wage offered.

About three-quarters of job seekers prioritize work-life balance. They are looking for a better lifestyle that accompanies a job compared to the one they have now. A job posting that proudly touts its supportive culture and policies designed to prioritize a worker’s mental health is automatically appealing to most applicants. You can worry about pay scales once you enter the interview process.

Monte Deere
CEO, Kizik

Avoid Vague Terms and Phrases That Serve No Purpose

The term “other duties as assigned” might appease your internal legal eagles, but the phrase is as useful to candidates as “references available upon request” is to hiring managers.

When designing job descriptions, ditch the corporate speak and lose the laundry list of nice-to-have skills. Instead, break down the role by core activities and designate the percentage weight of each (time or value).

This mimics the performance standard and sets the employee up for success. Yes, needs and expectations will change over time, but if you can’t articulate what you actually require today, how will you ever find it?

Tim Toterhi
CHRO, Science and Medicine Group

Place Key Information in the First Paragraph

First impressions are crucial. You want to give the candidates all the important information about the job quickly. Speak plainly and give all potential recruits everything they need within the first few sentences.

The key information that needs to find its way to the first paragraph are the job title and description, salary range and whether it’s an in-person or remote job. Do that, and you will already stand out among other recruiters writing job ads.

Maciek Kubiak
Head of People, PhotoAiD

Share Insights into Basic Competencies for the Role

Far too often, job postings list an endless string of qualifications and credentials “required” for a specific role. While some professionals (physicians, CPAs, attorneys) absolutely need specific certifications or accreditations, most do not.

Providing a realistic idea of what the person will actually do in the role, like projects they may work on, problems they will solve and challenges the business faces are much better ways of describing “a day in the life” versus listing criteria.

Additionally, it’s critical to understand how we deliver our work. Interaction and partnership are key predictors of success or failure in any given organization. Two equally credentialed individuals can work in the same place, have the same boss, and work on the same things. One may be wildly successful while the other fails. Why? Because it’s how we do our work that matters.

Sharing insights into the competencies necessary for success within the job posting is a gift you can give your candidates.

Barbie Winterbottom
Founder and CEO, The Business of HR

Align Your Job Posting to Match Your Audience

You should always align your job posting with what your target recruit looks like.

For example, when I recruit labor for the summer months, I try to recruit a couple of college students. In my emails and ads, I usually write something about making money during your summer. Many college students need employment during the summer, which allows them to leave in August when they return to school. They want a little extra work while they’re out, so I put that idea in their head when they read my ad.

Always craft your ads to match your audience.

Rick Berres
Owner, Honey-Doers

Be Upfront and Transparent About the Salary Range

Whether or not you can offer Silicon Valley salaries, being upfront and transparent about the salary range of your job opening is worth it. Every serious candidate will Google your company before sending their application or interviewing with you, and they will already have a pretty accurate expectation of the salary.

You can decide to either come across as the employer that hides things from their employees or as one that’s open and honest in their communication. Only one of these will positively surprise candidates, leading to positive word of mouth.

The added benefit of salary transparency is removing a lot of clutter from your process and saving hours and hours of everyone’s time. Suddenly, all of your candidates will be relevant seniority-wise, and you diminish the risk of losing candidates at the finishing line because of compensation misalignment.

Max Korpinen
Co-Founder and CEO, Hireproof

Skip the Bullet Points and Focus on the Story

Although we often hear that bullet points are a great way to summarize information into short, concise pieces, the problem is that we overuse them. As a result, we get lists of data points about the employer, but no authentic stories we can identify with.

Humans were designed to pay attention to stories. So, instead of using a million bullet points on your next job posting, consider asking your hiring manager the following questions (record the conversation and use an edited version of their answer as the job post):

– How would you explain what the person in this role does?
– Describe what happens on a normal day in this role.
– After one year in this role, how will someone know they’re doing a great job?

You can certainly still use bullet points—we do all the time when we write our clients’ job posts. But the key is to focus on the story version of the job. It will give you an edge in the crowded world of job posts.

Justin Vajko
Chief Creative Officer, Dialog

Focus on the Impact the Candidate Will Have on Your Department and Company

Imagine you apply for a job, and you already know what you will be doing. You know what you’ll be owning one, three, and six months from now. A high-performer who cares deeply about their career trajectory will probably ask these questions in an interview, but if they have the information up-front and in black and white, their impression of the company will probably be a lot better compared to the companies that don’t volunteer this information upfront.

What is an impact job description? How do you make one?

When crafting a job description, focus on the *impact* a candidate will have on the department they’ll be responsible for and the company as a whole. Showcase the previous growth and clearly outline the desired outcomes a candidate can have influence over. Demonstrate the strengths but also the weaknesses of your company and allow the candidate to focus on the places where they can improve and take ownership of tasks that their skills align with.

Gordana Sretenovic
Co-Founder, Workello

Make Your Posting Concise

Having been in talent acquisition for over a decade, I’ve seen over a thousand job postings. In my experience, shorter job descriptions get a greater number and better quality applicants.

Think about it this way, required people to fill out detailed profiles and fill out their preferences across various dimensions—and then came Tinder—sometimes less is more.

Atta Tarki
Executive Chairman, ECA Partners

Tout Your Dynamic and Diverse Work Environment

We foster an environment of diversity and inclusion in our company. That’s something that young professionals search for when they seek new employment. It’s a top priority for them.

They don’t want to get hired at a place where everyone looks the same and has the same background as they do. They want to learn from and be there for one another—and the workforce needs to embody all of that. Your workforce should includes a broad mix of socioeconomic, ethnic, and racial backgrounds.

When candidates notice that, they are more likely to share those postings with other people who prioritize diversity the same way they do.

Emily Saunders
Chief Revenue Officer, eLuxury

Use Humor to Skyrocket Engagement

Getting seen on the Internet, or “going viral,” relies on creating a job posting that people want to read, and comedy is key to making a post spread like wildfire. The trick is to advertise your position in a way that doesn’t obscure the actual role but still injects a bit of levity into the position.

I recently placed a candidate in a sales role that was cheekily advertised as a “Customer Wrangler.” In a funny way, that’s exactly what sales are all about, and the posting attracted a wide range of applicants with top-notch people skills.

Rob Reeves
CEO and President, Redfish Technology

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Positive Experience Keeps Workers Close to Staffing Firms Fri, 04 Nov 2022 13:00:39 +0000 Temporary and contract workers who have a positive experience interacting with staffing and recruiting firms throughout the recruitment process are six times more likely to work with that firm again.... Read more

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Temporary and contract workers who have a positive experience interacting with staffing and recruiting firms throughout the recruitment process are six times more likely to work with that firm again. And, according to research from Bullhorn, it takes more than simple access to the right jobs to build talent’s loyalty.

In the midst of a persistent talent shortage, success at redeploying talent remains a top priority. Bullhorn’s research showed that two-thirds of global temporary and contract workers  – about 64% – are currently thinking about moving to a permanent role. However, close to half of the survey’s respondents would not commit to redeploying using the same staffing firm, even if it could provide appropriate jobs. So, Bullhorn said, providing the best possible recruitment experience is the key to retaining talent.

Worker Expectations

By meeting talent’s expectations, staffing firms have an opportunity to establish lasting relationships with their workers.

The top priorities for temporary and contract workers, according to Bullhorn’s data, include access to desirable jobs, a good reputation and positive past experiences. Around 70% of respondents also wanted the flexibility to work remotely, while 90% expressed interest in participating in any reskilling, upskilling or certification programs.

Workers also expressed a desire for recruiters at their firm to reach out more frequently with opportunities. More than half (57%) said they wanted to hear from recruiters at least once a week when they’re looking for new opportunities. In addition, the mode of communication was also on workers’ minds, with phone calls and email being the top two channels through which  respondents preferred to be contacted.

Another common concern was timeliness. Two-thirds (66%) of temporary and contract workers said that they had previusy abandoned a job search when the recruitment process took too long. Moreover, the value of timely communication goes beyond the hiring process, Bullhorn said: Workers who felt their staffing firm was responsiveness while they were on assignment were twice as likely to say they would work with that firm again.

“It starts and ends with examining the entire talent journey, defining those moments that matter and ensuring your efforts result in satisfied employees,” said Andre Mileti, Bullhorn’s Product Evangelist – Talent Experience. “You’ll know you’ve succeeded when ratings and reviews improve, time-to-fill decreases and referral and redeployment rates increase.”

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Despite Slight Cooling, Recruiters Now in Higher Demand Than Engineering Talent Thu, 20 Oct 2022 15:08:53 +0000 The candidate-driven market seems to be cooling off, if only very slightly. According to data released by for their September 2022 Recruiter Index, a few key numbers ticked down.... Read more

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The candidate-driven market seems to be cooling off, if only very slightly. According to data released by for their September 2022 Recruiter Index, a few key numbers ticked down. That said: this is the equivalent of going from a Category 4 to a Category 3 hurricane.

Notably, candidate sentiment dropped to 3.6/5, down .2 points from August, and yet still higher than this time last year, and .4 points higher than it was the past June. Recruiter sentiment also dropped to 3.5/4, from 3.6 in August (it had been at 3.2 in June). 

According to Frank Steemers, senior economist at The Conference Board, “Some easing to labor shortages is expected as the demand for workers diminishes. However, recruitment and retention difficulties will not disappear as the unemployment rate is only projected to rise to around 4.5% in 2023 and labor supply remains challenged. In this environment, wage growth may also remain elevated. Companies will need to prepare for continued labor shortages and further improve their sourcing and retention strategies to remain competitive.”

Interestingly, compensation is slipping from top-of-the-list for most candidates. Replacing it? Work-life balance hit 37% in September to steal the number one spot. Following work-life balance is new experiences (19%), remote work (19%) and compensation (16%) which is down 41% since August. This, in the face of a potential recession and layoffs, which flies in the face of a more traditional reaction from job seekers – that of seeking out additional compensation to better gird their loins in the face of a looming economic battle.

Money Can’t Buy Balance, As It Turns Out

Trends suggest that the interwoven threads of work-life balance, hybrid work (and schedules) and being able to be authentic at work are going to remain at the forefront of candidates’ minds. Gallup data from earlier in 2022 found that work-life balance and wellbeing have increased in importance notably since 2015, when less than half of employees cited them as “very important” compared with 61% of today’s workforce.

Many other workplace studies from the past year highlight just how burned out, overwhelmed and stressed out the workforce is at large. Even for workers who aren’t experiencing burnout, the significant increase in remote work has raised awareness about the value of job flexibility options – options that are largely here to stay. 

Following the pandemic, employee burnout is a rising concern for businesses worldwide. In a survey by McKinsey, almost half of the employees reported being at least somewhat burned out. Employers are making lip-service about hearing the message, however, another report by Enboarder found that half of the managers were struggling to provide enough human connection for their teams.

Tech Hiring Slips

Tech hiring typically leads from the front of the pack when it comes to in-demand talent. For September, that shifted, with IT/ Software engineering dropping 2nd to 8th in the rankings. Recruiting/ Staffing talent is in more demand than front-end developers. Who knew that could happen?

    • Architecture/Engineering: 45% (+10% from August)
    • Apparel Fashion: 35% (+26% from August)
    • Accounting/Auditing: 22% (+14% from August)
    • Automotive: 18% (-6% from August)
    • Education: 8% (+/- 0 from August)
    • Recruiting/Staffing: 6% (-4% from August)
    • Sales: 5% (-2% from August)
    • IT/Software Engineering: 4% (-21% from August)
    • Hospitality: 3% (-2% from August)
    • Medical/Healthcare: 3% (-6% from August)

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5 Talent Acquisition Conferences Worth Attending Wed, 21 Sep 2022 15:49:49 +0000 A number of talent acquisition conferences are out there trying to get your attention. So which ones are worth attending? To help identify the best of them, we asked HR... Read more

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A number of talent acquisition conferences are out there trying to get your attention. So which ones are worth attending?

To help identify the best of them, we asked HR managers and business leaders for their favorites. From Workvision to HR: Unmasking Your Potential, here are six conferences that are highly recommended for anyone interested in current issues and trends within the industry. 

WorkVision – SHRM

WorkVision is a talent acquisition conference well worth attending. The event focuses on the changes going on within the recruiting world and strategizes better and more effective ways to staff and retain workforces and improve the employee experience. This conference brings together industry minds to share experiences, swap ideas and predict future trends. With the upheaval caused by the pandemic and resulting Great Resignation and the rapid shifts within the business landscape, these progressive topics are more relevant than ever. Although a 2022 date has not yet been announced, HR professionals would do well to RSVP to the next gathering. 

Michael Alexis

Talent Acquisition Week

Talent Acquisition Week is a virtual conference geared toward helping businesses improve their strategies for bringing in the best hires. The conference focuses on multi-industry practices that can give businesses insights on how to market to, attract and retain talented professionals. Participants of Talent Acquisition Week can expect to learn about the best practices around hiring, diversity and inclusion ideas and more, all while having a chance to network with other like-minded individuals and teams. If your company is looking to stay up to date on the best practices around talent sourcing, this is one conference you’ll want to attend on a yearly basis.

Alex Chavarry
Cool Links

URx Conference 

URx is a two-day conference that focuses on early career talent. It also focuses on developing, growing, maintaining and retaining such candidates. Its main participants are organizational leaders, recruiters and people involved in student development programs. These efforts help to equip people with knowledge that helps them get back to the workforce, and also help identify key talent among the participants. They also provide vital connections to (as we have already seen) some of the participants, who are organizational leaders.

Looking back at thez most recent conferences, the one in 2019 is unforgettable — it was attended by over 350 people. Among these were representatives from Twitch, SAP and the Chan Zuckerberg initiative. The sessions covered very many things, like revamping your university recruiting strategy. Anyone who takes advantage of URx will come away with worthwhile talent to serve their interests.

Dikendra Acharya
Marketing Manager,
Find People Fasterx

HR Technology Conference & Women in HR Technology

The talent acquisition conference hosted by the HR Technology Conference has so much to offer it can’t fit it all in. It provides two conferences a year, one in person and one online. The conferences emphasize the function of technology in hiring. The biggest and most established conference of its type, this year’s included Women in HR Technology.

I advise this to everyone that utilizes technology to hire employees. Numerous suppliers attend this conference so that you may receive their input on your present technology or discover cutting-edge hiring practices first-hand. Those that haven’t chosen which specific digital recruiting tools to update should take advantage of the chance here.

Sophia Dawodu
General Manager, Local Electrician

HR: Unmasking Your Full Potential

One upcoming conference that would be worth your time is HR: Unmasking Your Full Potential. Ohio SHRM State Council leaders and hundreds of HR officials will be there from 26 local chapters. However, you don’t have to be a chapter member to attend. Sessions go into a wide variety of topics from legal to inspirational. One of the better perks of this conference is that all sessions will also be on demand for 90 days, so you can watch any of them you miss.

Fadi Swaida
CEO, Halton Village Dental

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Trends in Recruiter Pay: New Data on Demand and Increases Tue, 30 Aug 2022 19:00:21 +0000 In the last 12-18 months, employers have increased pay scales for all kinds of hard to fill jobs. However, one of those is more critical than the rest: recruiters. The... Read more

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In the last 12-18 months, employers have increased pay scales for all kinds of hard to fill jobs. However, one of those is more critical than the rest: recruiters. The talent who find the talent are uniquely skilled individuals who are sometimes taken for granted, but over the course of recent history they have been appreciated (and sought after) like never before. 

As the talent crunch increased, employers started to notice that their talent teams weren’t immune to the wave of resignations that were plaguing other areas of the business. In fact, word of offers that were wildly above market rates for recruiter talent were being shared more and more often as fast-growing companies scooped up recruiters to keep the pace of business from slowing. 

In the new Lighthouse Research & Advisory 2022 Talent Acquisition Trends study, which pulled data from over 1,000 employers and 1,000 candidates, we found eight in 10 employers said that hiring had risen from an HR/talent priority to a business/operational priority. One way organizations are elevating the priority of talent acquisition within the business is higher recruiter compensation. 

New Data on Recruiter Hiring Volume
and Pay Increases

According to new data from labor market intelligence company Greenwich.HR, pay rates for recruiting talent have continued to increase over the last 24 months, and job postings for recruiters have spiked off the charts. 

Below is a time-based comparison of three common recruiter job titles (recruiter, senior technical recruiter and talent acquisition director), how the demand for those individuals has changed over time and how pay has fluctuated as well. 


The basic role of a recruiter can vary widely depending on the company, industry, hiring cycle and more. We see a wide dispersion in the pay rates for recruiters as low as $20,000 and as high as $100k-plus. 

Median salary as of July 2022: $56,500. There has been a steady increase in the median since November 2020.

Job posting volume: Stands at 275,207 since January 2020, with massive spikes in the 12-month period from July 2021 to July 2022. These jobs were posted by 42,000 companies. The number of postings peaked in April 2022 but has remained high since. 

Remote Work: Interestingly, more of these jobs are for in-office roles than other comparison roles below. 

Senior Technical Recruiter

Technical recruiters have been in high demand as more companies have grown their technology team. Even with some recent stories of layoffs and/or hiring freezes, job posting volume for senior technical recruiters is still about where it was through the first quarter of 2021, before it began spiking. 

Median Salary as of July 2022: Was $102,500. For comparison purposes, the median rate was $78,500 in June 2020 and $82,500 in June 2021.

Job Posting Volume: Some 8,479 listings since January 2020, with the similar July 2021 to July 2022 elevated volume we’re seeing across all recruiting roles. The number one hiring entity for these roles? Amazon. 

Remote Work: More than half of these roles were remote in nature. 

Nearly three-fourths of these positions listed a four-year degree requirement, despite recruiting not being a college degree program focus area. That could be a way for companies to distinguish among “senior” recruiters and their more junior peers. 

Talent Acquisition Director

Every team needs direction and leadership, and these leaders help to build strategy and align recruiting operations for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. 

Median Salary as of July 2022: Was $134,375. Companies flooded the market with openings in July and August of 2021, but overall the median has continued to rise for these positions, especially in the most recent quarter. 

Job Posting Volume: 5,525 jobs were posted by more than 2,500 companies.

Remote Work: Nearly 60% of these jobs were remote in nature. 

What happens next with pay for talent acquisition professionals depends on a variety of factors, including:. 

  • How fast can companies grow/develop new recruiters
  • What the technology can do to fill gaps and augment the hiring process
  • Changes in overall demand for talent (recessions, industry growth, etc.)

Side Note: Recruiters Owning Their Jobs

It’s harder to tease out, but the data shows that immediately after the pandemic began, the number of companies starting up (at least in the U.S.) jumped higher than any period on record. Some number of those companies are focused on recruiting, and based on the amount of demand in recent years, that number may be higher than the average number of recruiting businesses in any random sample of companies. 

Overall, this analysis was meant to help uncover what’s happening with recruiter pay over time as well as highlighting just how much demand actually exists for those individuals with high-quality recruiting abilities. 

If there are other data points you’re curious about, please feel free to reach out! Thanks again to Greenwich.HR for supporting the research with their live data feed.

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When Layoffs Hit Recruiting – What to Do… And What Not To Tue, 30 Aug 2022 16:49:41 +0000 Given the disproportionate hit that recruiters take during market fluctuations, what can you do when the table turns on you? 

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Let’s face it. The current job market is basically anyone’s guess. The Great Resignation continues despite fears of a recession, with certain sectors seeing mass exits while others reel from mass layoffs. It’s a total mess, and every time you open LinkedIn…chaos.

For every person posting about their new job, three people post that their entire team got canned over Zoom or worse, had their email shut off unceremoniously. It’s nearly impossible to keep up with all of the back and forth, save for the viral moments (I’m looking at you, crying CEO guy), but overall, it feels like the Wild West out there.

Anything goes. 

Unfortunately, for those in the recruiting world, moments like this often hit them the hardest. Sometimes, you’re tasked with watching the fantastic candidates you worked so hard to hire lose the jobs they so desperately wanted.

In others, you’re at the receiving end of the bad news of layoffs. Given the disproportionate hit that recruiters take during market fluctuations, what can you do when the table turns on you? 

1. Don’t Panic.

I’m kidding. That’s terrible advice. You can – and should – absolutely panic. People don’t work for free. There are bills to pay and mouths to feed (including your own). Give yourself a chance to freak out a little bit. Let it out. Feel your feelings for as long as you need to; just don’t let the panic consume you. Tell the world what happened and embrace the care others show you. Revel in the nice things people say about you. Layoffs suck. It’s a shot to the pride even when it’s outside your control, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise (especially some suit getting high and mighty on his socials – what’s up with those guys?).

2. Assess the Situation.

Most of the time, recently laid-off recruiters rush to get back out there. They pop that little green “Open to Work” banner up on their profile before the severance check even clears. I get it, again, people don’t work for free. But before you put yourself back on the market, take a beat and think about what happened in your last role. What was behind the layoffs? Was it your industry? Your organization? Every executive’s favorite excuse about “over-hiring?” Before you jump into a new role, figure out what went wrong with your last one first. 

3. Size Yourself Up.

You, as a recruiter, know way more than the average job seeker. Review your career history and materials with a fresh perspective. Analyze what’s helped you get jobs and what’s hurt. Look at yourself from the outside in. If you were receiving your application, what would you think? Any glaring issues to address? This is your opportunity to start fresh. Maybe now is the time to bring in some outside support. Not everyone is a resume writer, nor should they claim to be. 

4. Tap Your Network.

One of the great things about recruiting is the community that surrounds it. Have you met #RecruiterTwitter? If and when you find yourself laid off, reach out to your peers. Everyone goes through this at some point in their career, and almost everyone has a story to tell, a shoulder to cry on, or a piece of advice to offer. Use this to your advantage. Don’t be a hero! Just because you know how recruiting works doesn’t mean you can’t learn something new or benefit from the power of a referral.  

5. Do Your Homework.

Often, when we get into the groove of a given job, we start to block out the rest of the world. We hyper-fixate on the task at hand and stop seeing what’s happening around us. This is especially true of some organizations over others. If this experience sounds familiar, or you’ve spent a lot of time in the same role, now is the time to step outside your routine and get caught up. Talent acquisition, especially TA tech, moves quickly and the platform you used at your last job might be out of vogue at your next. 

Look, at the end of the day, getting laid off feels awful. It’s a gut punch to your ego, makes you question your skills and abilities, and worst of all threatens your livelihood.

I wouldn’t wish the experience on anyone, but reality tells us that most recruiters will get laid off at least once during their careers. Sometimes you will know it’s coming; other times, you won’t.

When it happens, let yourself freak out some before you refocus. If there’s anyone who can land a better job, it’s you. Make yourself proud. 

The post When Layoffs Hit Recruiting – What to Do… And What Not To appeared first on RecruitingDaily.
