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The disconnect between employers and employees around the idea of returning to the office continues. According to a new survey from CareerBuilder, managers and executives are pushing to reopen offices but workers -- especially women -- prefer the flexibility that comes with working remotely. Specifically, 39% of women say that home offices are more valuable to them, compared to 30 % of men who prefer a company-provided office as their ideal workplace. Of course, all of this results from the COVID-19 pandemic, which shifted a number of workers to fully remote arrangements and shifted their view of the traditional office. Some have gone so far as to say they no longer see it as necessary to commute into a physical workspace in order to be productive. Workplace Changes While some employees embrace the idea of returning to their company's facilities, CareerBuilder said the ideal location for others lies outside the office. The...You've landed on a RecruitingDaily Insider exclusive!
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By Gracie Wirick
Gracie Wirick is a writer and editor at RecruitingDaily and the HCM Technology report. A Purdue graduate with degrees in Professional Writing and Communication. She is a lover of classics and literature with an unfortunate penchant for the Oxford comma.
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