Blogs are great for recruiting and I’m sure you keep up with the blogs in your industry. So you use Technorati and you are tired of looking at the same site over and over? Well, here another good blog search that allows you to narrow your searches in a number of ways. The search capabilities are pretty tight and the results seem to be better than most I’ve used. Now, I have never spoke to the site’s founders but I did insert some copy as it appears below.
I particularly like the ability to search links and local blogs. This is a great recruiting tool to use when you are looking to narrow you search. It’s a young site but with the proper usage and feedback, we may have another billionaire developer on our hands. Check it out and comment back to let me know you thoughts as well.
Text as it appears on the blogdigger site
Blogdigger uses it’s vast collection of blog content in novel ways. Some of our most popular services are:
provides RSS feeds of recent media content for many well known media types (WindowsMedia, MP3, QuickTime, BitTorrent) that support RSS 2.0 enclosures. Subscribers to the Media feeds are automatically pushed links to media content of their choice. Try Blogdigger Media search.
is a state-of-the-art online aggregator, providing RSS or Atom feed grouping into a single configurable page. A Group can be filtered either by blog or by keyword, and content is exported in RSS, RDF, Atom, OPML and OCS, making it the richest and most full-featured feed splicing tool available. Try out Blogdigger Groups.
Link Search
Blogdigger Link Search provides backlink checking, seeing which posts are linking to other online content, tracking the conversation as it evolves. Try Blogdigger Link Search.
Overall, Blogdigger seems like a very useful tool that makes recruiting with blogs a lot easier. It’s important for recruiters to keep up to date with their industry or profession through blogs, and hopefully this tool will be useful. Do you know any other useful tools or sites for keeping up with blogs or for recruiters to use?
By Noel Cocca
CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.
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