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Phenom expanded its platform to include personalized solutions for HR leaders and HRIS teams. Businesses today have shown an increasing interest in upskilling and internal mobility. Phenom said its platform's evolution will ensure that employers have the tools they need to align the growth of employees with the growth of their business. The company believes HR leaders must identify and address skill and competency gaps across the entire workforce. And, they must support development and retention objectives by designing career paths that match the direction of their industry and market. The platform, called Phenom HR Experience, is a planning solution that provides HR and talent management teams with the ability to understand and optimize their workforce. The solution digitizes and consolidates skills, job architectures and employee profile data. It can also identify skill and competency gaps not only throughout the entire company, but also within each individual department, as well....You've landed on a RecruitingDaily Insider exclusive!
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By Gracie Wirick
Gracie Wirick is a writer and editor at RecruitingDaily and the HCM Technology report. A Purdue graduate with degrees in Professional Writing and Communication. She is a lover of classics and literature with an unfortunate penchant for the Oxford comma.
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