Sourcing and boolean go as good together as tomato soup and grilled cheese. However, it seems like when it comes to learning this conditional language, there’s a little bit more “copy paste” and not so much retention. We get it…you want to do your job and leave the anxiety of climbing the boolean mountain for another time…but, what if you could learn along the way? Dorksearch, a free boolean builder, might just be the way to learn without slowing you down.
This website has broken down the entire boolean language into its basic components. Every one of these phrases has a detailed description and use case pinned next to it, so while you build your search string you can learn in the process. There’s a handful of phrases that everyone seems to be able to wrap their head around, but building your vocabulary is gonna send you so much further! “Insite:” “or” and “filetype:” will only get you so far.
It has list of recommended file name extensions to work along descriptors like “filetype:”, as well as definitions for how Google likes to interprets wildcards (such as “*”, “.”, and “+”). In all honesty it’s a pretty rad piece of free technology, so much that it even comes with a “Warning: for educational use only” clause at the top. Not too shabby for a free boolean builder, huh?
There are pre-built boolean phrases for searching less than honorable things like people’s passwords and detecting hackable websites, so please use this with care. Dean recently told us a story about how he facilitated an FBI bust on a scammer, so if you aren’t virtuous with the tech he shares…HE’LL FIND YOU.
Dorksearch is great, it’s free, no ads, no login nonsense, and you learn stuff. Easy recommendation. Check it out now!
Other Dean Da Costa content:
Dean has a free page of sourcing tools, links, and other recruiting resources that we highly recommend you check out! That page has an overwhelming amount of stuff, so you gotta really love sourcing to appreciate the infinite hours of work Dean has put into it. For all of the Dean Da Costa resources on RecruitingDaily, click here!
Dean Da Costa
Dean Da Costa is a highly experienced and decorated staffing professional, recruiter, sourcer and manager, who also boasts outstanding experience and skills in Human Resources, Project Management, Training, and Process Improvement. He is best known for his work in the highly difficult security and mobile arena's, and the gold star winning numbers he produced. His keen insight and creation of ground breaking tools and processes, to enhance and change staffing as we know it, have proven he is a true "Staffing Thought Leader". Despite all this he remains first and foremost one of the top sourcers, staffing managers and full cycle recruiters in the industry and a true "Search Authority"

Noel Cocca
CEO/Founder RecruitingDaily and avid skier, coach and avid father of two trying to keep up with my altruistic wife. Producing at the sweet spot talent acquisition to create great content for the living breathing human beings in recruiting and hiring. I try to ease the biggest to smallest problems from start-ups to enterprise. Founder of RecruitingDaily and our merry band of rabble-rousers.
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