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Diversity, equity and inclusion are top-of-mind for today’s business leaders.  The 2020 Deloitte CEO Survey revealed that 96 percent of CEOs agree that DEI is a strategic goal. To meet… Read more

Talenya Ranks 3 Beverage Giants on Diversity Fortune Magazine publishes a report on Fortune 500 Companies’ Diversity and Inclusion Performance and ranks them every year.  Fortune uses different parameters to… Read more

There is a satirical movie line where a soldier from a notorious regiment realizes their presence in a foreign land is not to save or restore. The solider does a… Read more

Are our eyes really the gateway into our soul? Or our brain? With all the controversy on facial recognition, it seems like a topic too controversial to touch. Luckily some… Read more

With a return to in-person work in the office, a lot of us are feeling immense anxiety. Let’s try to break down the root of where that anxiety may be… Read more

Mastering the Process Total quality management (TQM) was in vogue during my undergraduate years and early career in industrial engineering. The U.S. was catching up to the Japanese in manufacturing… Read more

Companies are coming out with their remote identity. Morgan Stanley says no to remote, or you will need to take a serious pay cut. Deloitte believes employees can work from where ever… Read more

“Two or three months’ vacation after the hard and nervous strain to which one is subjected…are necessary in order to enable one to continue his work…with energy and effectiveness.”  -President… Read more

Job search is a beast. It is a phase in our lives that is harder than most of us want to admit. It takes immense emotional strength, resilience, persistence, and even… Read more

A college degree is valuable in a competitive job market. But, it should not be the deciding factor when you make a hiring decision. To understand why, let’s answer some… Read more

So, you want a Lead Basket Weaver with five to seven years of experience, a bachelor’s degree in weaving techniques, no job hoppers, all for $5 an hour in the… Read more

While job searching can be overwhelming, time-consuming, and frustrating, there are a few key considerations to help you reflect on and improve your approach so that you can be as… Read more

The reality is this: you’re a busy talent acquisition professional who simply doesn’t have enough time to interview absolutely everyone who applies for a job posting. Sorry, not sorry. You’re juggling… Read more

If 2020 was about transitioning to remote work, 2021 is about transitioning to new work. Organizations are likely to see higher than usual turnover, with employee burnout a primary cause…. Read more

Do you consider the default settings on your application form? Or the search engine on your corporate careers website? You should, as most of your visitors and applicants never change… Read more

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