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It’s revolutionized communication and no doubt the way social recruiters are recruiting. It’s big fun for us, but for others like Mark Zuckerberg it’s big business. Recently Justin Smith of sat down with Zuckerberg to discuss…

If it’s free, it’s for me. And free this is. Sourcing budgets have been slashed but most hiring managers really don’t care about that. What they do care about is that you can provide them with some top quality talent in a fast and efficient manner. Over the next few posts I’ll be sharing some free and low cost ways to enhance your game when sourcing. Up first, Free-For-Recruiters

Do recruiters under value soft skills? Real live relationships? Has social networking and virtual relationships replaced the real, bare knuckle recruiter? Maybe, but without a doubt to be successful recruiters will need to leverage a blend of both virtual and in person, real live soft skills. Converting prospects is a hard task, especially in an economy like today.

Lever Advertising Mojo

The way we communicate has changed over the last few years. There’s been a dramatic shift in culture and one tool that has had the greatest effect on real time media is making waves. The premise behind social conversation is that we are enabled to find and connect with others…

Managing your online communities becomes more challenging everyday. From a recruiters perspective centralizing your online presence for response management is crucial to daily production. I’m a big fan of Tweetdeck, but Seesmic provides some real evidence of group and list management not too mention the ease of customization. Check it out.

As if we don’t already have enough to distract us from our day jobs. Micro Blogging has really taken over the social media space this past year with Twitter growing at some 1300% with personal users. But how can corporations, especially global operations communicate in an effortless, meaningful way sharing workspaces, files and real time Twitter like updates?

Internet search enthusiasts are craving new opportunities to delve deeper into the world of search. I recently spoke with Gary Clarke of Wolfram Alpha to learn about the new Alpha search engine that claims to have changed search forever. Take a read on True Semantic/Natural Language search.

So, Twitter has hit the mainstream, recruiters have certainly picked up on it and it’s been a solid source of prospects for me both from a sales and sourcing perspective. I’m an avid user of Tweetdeck but I need more. How can I search specific targets and demographics and be sure that my return will be meaningful?

There are thousands of ways to search for information online. But how can you be sure you are getting the best return on your search? Does your engines simply crawl or spider? I received this question that I thought was great and wanted to share my thoughts on Semantic Search and my Top 3 search engines.

Let’s be real here for a second. Automation and technology have surely changed the game, but do you seriously think it’s taken the human touch out of the process? I’d respect your thoughts, but laugh at you simultaneously. In this age of social media, social networking and automation, the process might be swifter…

Marilyn is what I call a hustler! She is witty, intelligent and motivating all wrapped into one great and available package! Marilyn Hoffman is a senior level OD and learning professional with an key focus on process and program development. I had the chance to speak with Marilyn regarding her career transition….

Twitter and Facebook are very powerful tools in today’s society. Forget about updating your friends and your status 15 times a day; it’s graduated past the real time media updates. Former Philadelphia Senator Vince Fumo is on trial and one anxious juror may have just set him free…

Twitter is a phenomenal tool for many reasons. Regardless of your passion leveraging Twitter can prove to be extremely successful. If however you have no grip on reality and really have no backbone to who you are, you can be lost. Your Passion = Your Brand, dives into the idea of…

From the posting by David Mullen: Unlike many professions, most members of the general public have no idea what public relations is or what PR pros do. You know what I mean. You’ve been met with the “I’m going to nod my head like I know what that is but my face will give away that I’m clueless” look before.
Thanks for the great read!

Inspiration is a key element to success and my family is the most crucial inspiration in my life. With the world moving at such an incredible pace it is sometimes hard to slow down and before long, you realize that you have just passed on an opportunity of a lifetime…

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